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"THE YEAR 2012" SCREENPLAY THE YEAR 2012 by Ivan & Dora Cain While credits are going up. Complete chaos world wide. Millions of people trying to get to Jerusalem. Brief flashes of planes taking off from airports around the world. Planes landing at Tel Aviv Yafo-Ben Gurion Airport in Israel. EXT. TEMPLE COURTYARD JERUSALEM MORNING THURSDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good morning, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple Courtyard in Jerusalem. This is the Global City News. Today is Thursday. The sun is getting darker. A mass of clouds are coming down out of the sky. People are swarming around the Temple. The clouds have stopped descending, and there on the clouds stands a figure dressed in a long white hooded robe. It is nine o'clock in the morning, but looks more like five o'clock in the evening. What is going on here? I'm going to speak with a couple of people in the crowd. Sir, what do you make of this? MAN Praise the Lord, it's the rapture! ELBIB Ma'am, what do you think of all this? WOMAN The end has come! Christ has returned. ELBIB It appears as though people believe that the hooded figure is Jesus Christ, and has come to rapture his church. People all over the courtyard are on their knees praying, chanting and crying. Wait, the clouds are fading and the figure that appeared on the clouds, is now standing at the top of the Temple stairs. He is raising his hands. The sun is getting brighter, and there is a gentle breeze. The hooded figure is lowering his hands, and entering the Temple. All over the world there is chaos, confusion, and fear throughout the land as word spreads that Jesus has come. Airports are jammed with people trying to get to Jerusalem. Millions of people have up and left whatever they were doing . It's like, the whole world has gone crazy! This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. (1) INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE CALIFORNIA MORNING FRIDAY U.S. Phone rings ANNIE Hello? JULIE (VO) Annie, have you heard? Jesus has come. Can't talk long. I have to get ready to go. ANNIE Whoa, wait a minute, where are you going? JULIE (VO) I'm going to Jerusalem. Aren’t you going? ANNIE I don't know, I haven't given it any thought. How can you be so sure you're doing the right thing? JULIE (VO) I know! I just know! Besides my parents used to talk about Jesus and the rapture of the church all the time. I always thought it was nothing more than religious hooey, but now I am not so sure. ANNIE I'm not sure it was Jesus. Something inside of me tells me not to believe it. JULIE (VO) Well, I'm going. I will call you before I leave, okay? ANNIE Okay, bye. EXT. TEMPLE COURTYARD NEWS AFTERNOON THURSDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good afternoon. This is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple Courtyard in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. Everyone has their own opinion about today's big event. Some believe that this is the end of the world, and some believe it's the second coming of Christ, while others believe it's the rapture. There are even some who think it may be aliens from outer space. (2) The ten world leaders have been summoned to the Temple. You can still hear the people in a low chant saying, "Jesus, Jesus." Limousines are now coming into the courtyard. The ten world leaders have stepped out of the limo's, and are going into the Temple. A platform and several microphones have been set up in the Temple Courtyard. The ten world leaders are coming out of the Temple, with the hooded figure. They are heading for the platform. The people are standing. PLATFORM HOODED FIGURE My people, my people. I have been appointed your Supreme President. I have come to give rest. I have come to offer life more abundantly. I have come to lift your burdens. I will wipe your slate clean. You can start a new life in the Global Village. Come unto me, I am your redeemer. Come unto me, I am your God! TEMPLE COURTYARD ELBIB There you have it folks. The hooded figure, and the ten world leaders are going back into the Temple. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE CALIFORNIA AFTERNOON. FRIDAY U.S. Doorbell rings. Annie opens door. FRONT DOOR. ANNIE Well, hello! ALLY Hello, my name is Allison, but everyone calls me Ally. ANNIE My name is Annie. What can I do for you? ALLY Could you read this note to me please? Annie takes note, reads it. (Leonard. Have gone to be with Jesus. Please tell Ally I love her, and I love you too. Bye, Jenny.) (3) ANNIE I think your daddy should read this to you, Okay? ALLY Okay. (Ally takes note, turns to go.) ANNIE Wait, Ally. Where are you going? ALLY I'm going home. I live across the street. I'll wait for mommy and daddy to come home. ANNIE Why don't you stay with me, till they come home? ALLY Okay. LIVING ROOM Annie writes a note. (My name is Annie. I live across the street at 1347. No one was home, so I invited Ally to stay with me until you come and pick her up.) They go across the street, place note on door, return, go to kitchen. KITCHEN ANNIE Would you like some cookies and milk? ALLY Yes, Please. EXT. STREET LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA AFTERNOON. FRIDAY U.S. Jenny's husband Leonard is driving home after hearing the news broadcast. He is afraid that Jenny had gone to Jerusalem leaving Ally unattended at home. Was she with Jenny, or home alone? He is driving faster than he realizes. It is not until it is too late that he discovers he can't stop before hitting the railroad crossing gates at the same time the train enters the crossing. The train hits the car broadside, taking it down the tracks. By the time the train stopped, there were people all around. The police, fire department, and ambulance were on the way. The sounds of sirens could be heard off in the distance. Leonard laid there, not knowing what had happened. He could hear voices, but could not make out what they were saying. Then he blacked out. The fire dept. had to cut the car into pieces in order to get him out. When they finally got to him, he was alive, but unconscious. They rushed him off to the hospital. (4) INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE KITCHEN AFTERNOON. FRIDAY U.S. Annie, sorting through her mail, while Ally is eating cookies and milk. Annie looks up at Ally who is asleep with her head on the table. Annie picks Ally up, takes her to the living room, lays her on the couch, sits across from her in the big chair, and drops off to sleep. EXT. COUNTY HOSPITAL EMERGENCY AFTERNOON. FRIDAY U.S. They rush Leonard into the emergency room. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM Leonard is awake and in pain. Doctors check him over thoroughly, taking care of his superficial wounds. They were concerned about the lack of feeling in his legs. LEONARD My legs, doctor! I can't feel them! DOCTOR We'll take some x-rays, and see if there are any fractures. After the x-rays, Leonard and police officer talk. OFFICER Is there anyone you would like to notify? LEONARD Yes, would you please call my home? I'm afraid my wife has gone to Jerusalem, and left our daughter home alone. (gives officer phone number) Leonard, closes eyes, tries to rest. Officer returns. LEONARD What is wrong officer? OFFICER I'm not sure. I called your home, there was a message. (Leonard, have gone to be with Jesus. Please tell Ally I love her and I love you too. Bye, Jenny.) I have been hearing reports all day about people getting up and going to Jerusalem. (5) LEONARD Would you go to my home, and see if my little girl is there alone? (gives officer address) OFFICER Sir, if we find her alone, we have to take her to the Federal Care Center? LEONARD I know, but at least I'll know that she is safe. Officer leaves, doctor arrives. Doctor Well Leonard, I have good news, and bad news. First, your x-rays show no signs of serious injuries. The bad news is, we don't know why you do not have feeling in your legs. We are going to admit you to the hospital and run some tests, and see if we can find the problem. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM. EVENING. FRIDAY U.S. Annie, awakened by doorbell. Opens door. ANNIE Yes? YOUNGER OFFICER Are you Annie? ANNIE Yes. YOUNGER OFFICER Ma'am, a Mr. Jenk was in a car accident, and asked us to come and see if his daughter was home alone. We found your note, so we are here to take her to the care center. LIVING ROOM Officers enter. Annie points to Ally sleeping on the couch ANNIE She rang my doorbell and handed me a note, she said her mother wasn't home and asked if I would read her the note. Is Mr. Jenk hurt badly? OLDER OFFICER We don't know. His car collided with a train. He has no feeling in his legs. The doctor was waiting for the x-rays when we left. (6) ANNIE Oh my, I hope he is going to be alright! Isn't there anyway we can keep from taking her to the Center? OLDER OFFICER Well ma'am, if we find any child alone, we are suppose to take them to the Center. ANNIE But, Ally is not alone. She is with me. Doesn't that count? YOUNGER OFFICER Well Ma'am, if you want to take care of her until her father can make other arrangements, that's OK with us. ANNIE I assure you, I will take excellent care of her. YOUNGER OFFICER Very well then. (Turn to leave) ANNIE Oh, wait! What hospital is he in? OLDER OFFICER The County, on Sixty-third Street. ANNIE Thank you. (closes door) Ally wakes up from nap. Sits up, rubs her eyes. ALLY Can I go home now? My mommy and daddy will be home, and will be worried about me. FRONT WINDOW Annie takes Ally to the front window, turns the drapes back, shows Ally her house. ANNIE See, Ally, there are no lights on at your house. No one is home yet. ALLY Oh my, there must be something wrong. They are always home when it gets dark. Can I sit here and watch for them to come home? (7) ANNIE Of course you can. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL ROOM 202 EVENING. FRIDAY U.S. LEONARD Are there any messages from the officers? NURSE No, not yet, but if there are, I will let you know. I see you will be going for tests early in the morning, so try and get some sleep. (leaves) INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE KITCHEN EVENING FRIDAY U.S. Annie dials information, gets number of County Hospital. Calls hospital, gets Leonard's room and phone number. Dials Leonard's number and waits. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL LEONARD'S ROOM EVENING. FRIDAY U.S. Leonard awakened by the phone. LEONARD Hello? ANNIE Hello, Mr. Jenk? LEONARD Yes, I'm Mr. Jenk. Who is this? ANNIE (VO) Sir, my name is Annie. I live across the street from you. I'm calling because I have your little girl here with me, and she is just fine. LEONARD I have been so worried. Thank you so much for taking care of her. ANNIE (VO) You're welcome. She is no problem. LEONARD How did Ally come by you? ANNIE (VO) She came to my house with a note in her hand, and asked me to read it to her. I read the note, then told her, you should read it to her. I gave her some cookies and milk. I left a note on your door so you could come and get her, but instead of you, two police officers wanted to take her to the Care Center. (8) LEONARD How come they didn't take her? ANNIE (VO) I told them she was with me. Anyway, if you would like me to take care of Ally until you can decide what to do, I would be happy to do so. LEONARD I'd be ever so grateful if you would. Have you told Ally about her mother? ANNIE (VO) No sir, I believe you should tell her. LEONARD I agree. May I speak with her please? ANNIE (VO) Sure, hold on. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE KITCHEN EVENING FRIDAY U.S. Annie calls Ally to the phone. Ally comes running to the kitchen. ANNIE Ally, your daddy is on the phone. Annie hands the phone to Ally. ALLY Hello daddy, where are you? LEONARD (VO) Hello Ally! Well, I was in an accident. I'm in the hospital, but I'm okay. ALLY Is mommy with you in the hospital? LEONARD (VO) No, she had to go away. I will explain later. I want you stay with this nice lady until I come home, okay? ALLY Okay daddy. I love you, bye. (9) Ally hands the phone to Annie. ALLY My daddy said, I should stay here with you until he comes home. Annie takes phone. LEONARD (VO) I want to thank you again for caring for Ally. ANNIE That's alright, sir. I'm glad to be of help. Would you like me to bring her in to see you? LEONARD (VO) Oh yes, that would just make my day. Now ma'am, you go to my house, you will find a key under the doormat. Get what ever you need for Ally, okay? ANNIE All right, Mr. Jenk. I had better go now. Bye. LEONARD (VO) Bye, and thanks again. EXT. TEMPLE COURTYARD EVENING NEWS THURSDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good evening, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple courtyard in Jerusalem. This is the Global City News. The soldiers had to use force with some of the people as they escorted the ten world leaders to their vehicles. Ever since the hooded figure arrived this morning, Jerusalem has been flooded with people. Airports all over the world are overcrowded. The Israeli government has closed off it's borders. The courtyard is full. The soldiers have allowed only so many people in, so as to maintain a certain amount of movable space. There are two old men sitting on the steps of the Temple. We are all waiting anxiously for the hooded figure to come out and speak. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. TEMPLE STEPS The two old men walk to the platform. They speak in unison. (10) PLATFORM TWO OLD MEN (unison) Attention! Attention! We are the witnesses of God. We have been sent by god to prophesy the prophecy of God. THE CROWD. (shouting) (OS) Lies, lies! Boo, boo! THE WITNESSES (raising hands upwards) OH HEAVENLY FATHER, SEND DOWN FIRE SO THE PEOPLE WILL KNOW THAT THOU HAS SENT US.( Raining drops of fire on the platform.) Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: I WILL GIVE POWER UNTO MY TWO WITNESSES, AND THEY SHALL PROPHESY A THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THREE SCORE DAYS. Ye children of Jerusalem hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. We are the two witnesses sent by God. (Laughter from the crowd.)(OS) Thou art stiff necked and stubborn. Behold! SKY ABOVE THE COURTYARD. A huge ball of fire is coming down out of the sky. The ball of fire draws closer to the earth. Just before it is to fall on the crowd, the two witnesses hold out their hands, and the fire rests in their hands, then slowly goes out. PLATFORM TWO WITNESSES (unison) Hearken unto the prophecy of God, ye children of Jerusalem. God has sent us to be a witness unto him. (they return to stairs) EXT. ANNIE'S HOUSE EVENING. FRIDAY U.S. Annie takes Ally across the street to Ally's house. Gets key from under doormat. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE. They go in, turn lights on. Ally takes Annie upstairs to her room. Ally gets a bag to carry her toys. Annie gathers Ally's clothes. They start to leave. Ally forgot her Bible Story book, runs upstairs and gets it. EXT. STREET. Annie holds Ally's hand as they cross the street. INT. ANNIE HOUSE GUEST ROOM ANNIE This will be your room. Put your toys anywhere. (Annie puts Ally's clothes in the closet). (11) ALLY Okay. ANNIE Are you getting hungry? ALLY Yes, a little. ANNIE Good, let's go to the kitchen and fix something. ALLY Okay. KITCHEN Annie fixed leftovers. They sit at table. ALLY May I say grace? ANNIE (feeling Awkward) Yes, OF COURSE. ALLY Dear heavenly Father, we pray thanks for the food we are about to eat. Amen. That's all I know. ANNIE Well, that was very nice. The phone rings. Annie goes to phone. ANNIE Hello? JULIE (VO) Annie, this is Julie. ANNIE Are you ready to go to Jerusalem now? JULIE (VO) Yes, but I can't get a flight. Every airline is booked solid. The airports are all jammed. I am so frustrated! I would like to come over and talk. ANNIE Sure, come on over. JULIE (VO) Thanks Annie, see you in an hour. Ally finishes dinner. While cleaning up, Ally and Annie get (12) to know each other a little better. They go to the living room. LIVING ROOM. ANNIE My friend Julie will be coming to visit. You will like her, she's a very nice person. ALLY Okay. Ally and Annie lay on the floor coloring. Doorbell rings. Annie open's door. She and Julie hug. Annie introduces Ally to Julie. ANNIE Ally, this is my friend Julie. Julie, this is my friend Ally. Why don't you two get acquainted while I go get us something to drink. JULIE Sounds good to me. How about you Ally? ALLY Okay. JULIE And where did you come from? ALLY I live across the street. My mommy had to go somewhere, and my daddy is in the hospital. He was in an accident. JULIE Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How old are you, Ally? ALLY I'm five years old, and I go to kindergarten too! Annie enters with coffee and juice. She puts it on a table.They drink their coffee. Ally drinks her juice. ANNIE Isn't it about your bed time Ally? ALLY Okay, Annie. UPSTAIRS BATHROOM Annie gets Ally into the tub. BEDROOM Annie gets her bed ready. Ally calls from the bathroom (13) ALLY (OS) I'm all done with my bath, Annie. ANNIE I'm coming. BATHROOM Annie gets a big bath towel, wraps Ally in it, dries her off, then helps her into her nightgown. ALLY Would you read me a story, Annie? ANNIE Yes, go get your book. Ally ran to the living room, said goodnight to Julie, and was back in a flash. BEDROOM ALLY I will say my prayers first, then you can read me a story. (says prayers) I'm ready. Ally hands Annie her Bible Story book. Annie begins to read the first story in the book. It wasn't long before Ally was asleep. Annie turned out the light. Returned to living room. LIVING ROOM Annie joins Julie on the couch. ANNIE I'm sorry for all the interruptions. What is going on with you? JULIE I have been trying all day to go to Jerusalem. I believe Christ has come, and I guess millions of others believe it too. All the airlines have temporarily shut down. They can't even say when they will take any reservations in the future. It's just as well, you didn't want to go. ANNIE It's not that I didn't want to go, but an inner voice keeps telling me, 'that if anyone says here is Christ, or there is Christ, believe it not' and so I wasn't sure. But, let's change the subject. I know what will take your mind off of all of this. I'm taking Ally to see her father at the County Hospital tomorrow. Why don't you meet us in the hospital coffee shop at noon. We'll all have lunch, then go shopping. (14) JULIE That's a great idea! Thanks Annie. I'm going home now. It's been a hectic day. I'll see you tomorrow. Annie and Julie hug. Julie leaves. Annie goes upstairs, checks on Ally, and goes to bed. EXT. TEMPLE COURTYARD NEWS MORNING FRIDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good morning, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple Courtyard in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. Today is Friday. The ten world leaders have been escorted out of the Temple Courtyard. People are praying, and chanting. They are convinced that Christ has returned, and is sitting on the throne in the Temple. The two old men are still sitting on the Temple stairs. I'm going over to talk with them. TEMPLE STAIRS. WITNESSES (unison) Stop! Do not come any closer. What do you want? ELBIB (OS) My name is Elbib Ehtdrow. I'm a reporter for the Global City News. I would like to know who you are and why you are here. WITNESSES (unison) We are the witnesses of God. We've been sent by God to prophesy the prophecy of God. ELBIB (OS) The people believe that the hooded figure is Christ. Do you know who he is? WITNESSES (unison) He is not Christ! He is Satan! He has been cast out of heaven, and he has come to make war with the saints of God. We will speak to the people again. (15) PLATFORM. WITNESSES (unison) Attention! Attention! Please, ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN: MICHAEL AND HIS ANGELS FOUGHT AGAINST THE DRAGON; THE DRAGON FOUGHT HIS ANGELS, AND PREVAILED NOT; NEITHER WAS THEIR PLACE FOUND ANYMORE IN HEAVEN. THE GREAT DRAGON WAS CAST OUT, THAT OLD SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL, AND SATAN, WHICH DECEIVETH THE WHOLE WORLD: HE WAS CAST OUT INTO THE EARTH AND HIS ANGELS WITH HIM. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. Beware, for the great dragon, the serpent, the devil, and Satan has come. Listen to the words of the prophecy. IT IS WRITTEN: WOE TO THE INHABITERS OF THE EARTH AND OF THE SEA! FOR THE DEVIL HAS COME DOWN UNTO YOU, HAVING GREAT WRATH BECAUSE HE KNOWETH THAT HE HATH BUT A SHORT TIME. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the words of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. He that has come in the clouds, is not the Christ you seek. He is Satan, God of this world. He has come to make war with those that believe in Jesus Christ. Soon cometh the prophecy of the first seal. Witnesses return to stairs. COURTYARD ELBIB There you have it, folks. Those two old men sitting on the stairs, say they are witnesses of God. They say the hooded figure is Satan. You decide for yourself. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next... Wait! There is something going on with those two old men and some soldiers. I want to get closer to see. TEMPLE STEPS. Elbib makes his way over to the stairs. Two soldiers are approaching the old men. WITNESSES (unison) Stop! Do not come any closer! What do you want? SOLDIER The Supreme President would like to speak with you. WITNESSES (UNISON) Tell that Serpent we do not talk to liars and murderers. (16) The soldiers go back in the Temple. INT. TEMPLE SECURITY OFFICE MORNING FRIDAY ISRAEL The soldiers report message to Captain Nomed. CAPTAIN NOMED We will see about that. I want ten men to bring those two old men to me. TEMPLE STEPS. Ten soldiers approach the two witnesses. WITNESSES (unison) Stop! Do not come any closer! Soldiers do not stop. The two old men stand, hold their hands toward heaven. WITNESSES (unison) Father, send down fire to protect us from these who seek to do us harm. ELBIB (OS) I can't believe what I'm seeing! Fire is coming down out of the sky! The soldiers are disintegrating before my eyes! There are now ten small piles of ashes, where the soldiers once stood. This is the most awesome sight I have ever seen. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. COUNTY HOSPITAL LEONARD'S ROOM MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Dr. Raymond enters DR. RAYMOND Good morning, Mr. Jenks. I have ordered some tests for you, and as soon as they are completed, I'll come back and discuss the results with you. LEONARD Thank you, Doctor. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE BEDROOM MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Annie wakes up and finds Ally in her bed. She wakes Ally. ANNIE Good morning, sleepy head. ALLY Good morning, Annie. (17) ANNIE Are you hungry? ALLY Yes, I could eat a horse. ANNIE I don't have any horses. How about some eggs, bacon, and fruit? ALLY Mmm, sounds yummy. Especially the fruit. KITCHEN Annie prepares breakfast. Ally sits at the table watching her. Ally gets down, walks over to Annie, put her arms around her. ANNIE What's the matter Ally? ALLY I miss my mommy and daddy. ANNIE I know you do. Tell you what. Let's eat breakfast, get dressed, and I'll take you to see your daddy. ALLY OH, boy! ANNIE After breakfast, we'll clean up the kitchen, and get ready to go. Okay? ALLY Okay! COUNTY HOSPITAL ROOM 202 MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Leonard returns to his room. There is a breakfast tray waiting for him. The nurse helps him into bed. NURSE Enjoy your breakfast Mr. Jenk. (leaves) Leonard finishes eating, lays back against his pillow, and begins to pray. He is interrupted by Doctor Raymond. DOCTOR Do you remember me? (18) LEONARD Yes. Do you know what is wrong with my legs? DOCTOR Well, all the tests are negative. Aside from your superficial wounds, we can find nothing physically wrong with you. We believe it is psychosomatic, due to the trauma you experienced in the accident. You will need some therapy and psychological counseling. I will have a therapist come up and see you today, and get those legs moving. I'll arrange for a psychiatrist to visit you on Monday. LEONARD A psychiatrist! DOCTOR Yes, he will help you reason everything out, and come to grips with it, if necessary. LEONARD What ever you say, doctor. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE KITCHEN MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Annie calls Mr. Jenk. LEONARD (VO) Hello? ANNIE Hello, this is Annie. I was wondering if you were up to having company this morning? LEONARD (VO) I sure am! I've had a good nights sleep and I was even able to do without a pain shot this morning. ANNIE I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. LEONARD (VO) Yes, God has blessed me. ANNIE Ally is all excited about coming to see you. LEONARD (VO) I hope she hasn't been a burden to you. (19) ANNIE Oh no, she is such a joy to be with. LEONARD (VO) Well, thank you. We are proud of her. ANNIE I can understand why. I'd better go now, and get ready. We will see you in about an hour. LEONARD (VO) Thank you ma'am. ANNIE Just call me Annie. Everyone else does. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL ROOM 202 MORNING SATURDAY U.S. A man wearing a hospital jacket enters Leonard's room. PAUL Hi, I'm Paul. I'm your therapist. I will be doing different things to your legs. Pushing, pulling, and bending. You will be having these sessions twice a day. Each session will be fifteen or twenty minute. LEONARD Very well. My name is Leonard. As the therapist worked on Leonard's legs they talked. PAUL I bet you didn't know you are the talk of the hospital? LEONARD No, I didn't. PAUL Somebody upstairs is surely looking out for you. Leonard Yes, God has blessed me. PAUL Speaking of someone upstairs, what do you think about Christ coming yesterday? LEONARD That wasn't Christ. That was Satan. (20) PAUL There are a lot of people out there worshipping him as God. What makes you think that it was Satan and not Christ? LEONARD Because, the Bible has recorded a step by step account of the coming of Christ. Just because people worship him, does not make him Christ. PAUL Do you believe the Bible to be true? LEONARD Yes, it is the only source of truth available. I'd show you if I had my Bible. PAUL I go home for lunch. I'll bring you a Bible, then you can show me. Oh, before I go, would you like to sit up in a chair for a while? LEONARD Yes, my daughter and a friend are coming to visit. I'd rather be in a chair,then in bed. Paul picks Leonard up, sets him in a chair, fluffs a pillow behind his back, covers him with a blanket, then leaves. EXT. JERUSALEM TEMPLE COURTYARD MORNING FRIDAY ISRAEL The people in the Temple Courtyard are still sitting on the ground as they wait for the hooded figure to come out and speak to them. The two witnesses have taken to the streets. INT. TEMPLE Inside the temple the hooded figure sits on the throne of God speaking to his most loyal follower, Captain Nomed. HOODED FIGURE When we were in heaven, Michael the arch-angel, and I, were to protect the throne of God. All the hosts of heaven began to believe that I was God, for I had such beauty as no other had. I was envied by all the hosts. Why shouldn't I be God? Look at me now. I sit in the throne of God in the Temple of God, as God. (21) CAPTAIN NOMED Yes, my Lord. It was brilliant of you to manifest yourself as an angel of light, and descend out of heaven on a cloud, and deceive the people of the world. They sit outside and wait for you to speak to them. Even the name you have chosen has deception in it. HOODED FIGURE Yes, I agree. Natas Reficul. This physical body is a bit more restrictive than I would like, but I will get used to being a man. Now Captain, are our people in place? Are we ready to take over? CAPTAIN NOMED Yes, my Lord. All key people have been taken over, and are now controlled by our people. Our spiritual forces are waiting for you to take over the world. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE MORNING SATURDAY U.S. ANNIE Come on Ally, we have to get ready to go see your daddy. ALLY Okay, I'm coming. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Annie and Ally cross street to Leonard's house, picks up Leonard's Bible and note book. Return to Annie's house. ANNIE'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM Annie calls a cab. They watch out the window. Cab pulls up in front of the house. They leave the house and get in the cab. EXT. COUNTY HOSPITAL ENTRANCE MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Annie and Ally get out of cab, enter the hospital. INT. ELEVATOR. Annie and Ally get into the elevator. The elevator stops. They step out into the hall. They look for rooom 202. Annie finds the room, and points toward it. (22) ANNIE There it is, Ally. They walk to door, Ally makes a fist and knocks. LEONARD'S ROOM LEONARD Come in! The door opens slowly, in comes Ally with a big smile on her face. Leonard holds his arms out to her, she runs across the room to him. Leonard scoops her up and sets her on his lap, and just holds her. Annie stayed in the hall. LEONARD Where is your friend, Ally? ALLY I don't know. HALL. Ally runs out in the hall. Annie is sitting in a chair. Ally runs over to Annie, takes her by the hand. ALLY It's okay now. You can come in and meet my daddy. LEONARD'S ROOM Ally and Annie enter. ALLY Here she is daddy. Annie walks across the room and shakes hands with Leonard. ANNIE Hello, Mr. Jenk, I'm Annie. LEONARD So nice to meet you Annie, please call me Leonard. Annie hands Leonard his Bible and note book. ANNIE I thought you might like to have these. LEONARD Thank you, now I will have something to do while I'm in here. Thanks for bringing Ally in. Ally climbs back up on Leonard's lap. ALLY Daddy, where is mommy? I miss her. (23) ANNIE (interrupts) I'm going to go to the coffee shop while you two visit. I'll be back later. EXT. TEMPLE COURTYARD MORNING FRIDAY ISRAEL Soldiers in the courtyard lined both sides of the stairs, out to the waiting limousine. There on top of the stairs, stood the the hooded figure surrounded by armed soldiers. They all walked through the crowd of people to the waiting vehicle. The hooded figure gets into the limousine, and with a police escort, drives off toward the Presidential Palace. EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE There are soldiers lined up on both sides of the stairs, to the doors of the Palace. Captain Nomed is at the top of the stairs waiting to escort the President to his quarters. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL LEONARD'S ROOM MORNING SATURDAY U.S. Annie returns to Leonard's room and knocks LEONARD Come in. Annie enters the room. Sees Ally asleep on the bed. Leonard is reading. Annie points to Ally. Leonard turns his head, and stops reading. LEONARD Please, pull up a chair. We can visit while Ally takes her nap. Annie pulls a chair over by Leonard. LEONARD I explained to Ally that her mother had made a mistake, and believed that Jesus had come to take her and the church members up to heaven. She left us behind, because we are not members of her church, and when she realizes that it was not Jesus, she would come home. ANNIE Do you think she understood? LEONARD Yes, some of it. She said, oh boy, mommy's coming home! Then I started reading her a story. (24) ANNIE Leonard, just what was the broadcast all about yesterday in Jerusalem? It said, that Christ had come. I admit, I know nothing about the coming of Christ, but I hear this inner voice telling me not to believe it. LEONARD Oh, and what do you hear? ANNIE The voice says, THEN IF ANY MAN SHALL SAY UNTO YOU LO, HERE IS CHRIST, OR THERE, BELIEVE IT NOT. I thought there was something wrong with me, because I had no desire to go to Jerusalem, like everyone else. LEONARD (smiles) I believe that inner voice you are hearing is the voice of God warning you not to be deceived. ANNIE What makes you think that? LEONARD Here, I'll show you. Leonard opens the Bible to Matthew 24:23 and hands Annie the Bible. LEONARD Read this scripture, you'll see what I mean. ANNIE THEN IF ANY MAN SHALL SAY UNTO YOU LO, HERE IS CHRIST, OR THERE, BELIEVE IT NOT. Oh my, the very same words. I don't understand. Does the Bible have all the answers to what happened yesterday, and what is yet to take place? LEONARD Yes, but I can't show you and explain it all right now. I'd be happy to make you a list of scriptures to read about the coming of Christ. That will help you understand better. I personally believe that God is calling you. ANNIE I'm not sure about the calling thing, but the scriptures would help me understand better. LEONARD Give me your phone number, and when I finish I'll call you. (25) Annie gives Leonard a business card. She notices that Ally is waking up. ANNIE Looks like Ally is waking up. I'll go to the coffee shop, and be back shortly. Ally sits up, rubs her eyes, looks around, then gets off the bed. ALLY Where is Annie? She didn't go without me, did she? LEONARD No honey, she went to the coffee shop. She'll be back shortly. You have found a nice friend. ALLY Yes, I really like her. When are you coming home? LEONARD The doctor said, I would be here for a couple of days, so it won't be too long. Annie returns to Leonard's room. Knocks. Ally runs to the door, opens it, and takes Annie's hand. ALLY I'm hungry. ANNIE (smiles) Me too. I so hungry I could eat a horse. ALLY (big smile) Me too. Can I have a hamburger? ANNIE Yes. Go give your daddy a hug and kiss. Ally runs over to Leonard, hugs his neck, and kisses him. ALLY I love you daddy. Bye. LEONARD I love you too. Thanks Annie for all your help. EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE STEPS AFTERNOON FRIDAY ISRAEL Captain Nomed starts to kneel. Natas motions for him to remain standing. (26) NATAS There will be no kneeling or bowing. From now on, address me as Mr. President, or Sir. NOMED Very well, Mr. President. If you will come this way, sir. INT. PALACE They enter the Palace, go straight to Natas' quarters. NATAS Captain, notify the world leaders there will be a meeting in the boardroom at two o'clock this afternoon. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL COFFEE SHOP AFTERNOON SATURDAY U.S. JULIE My, don't the two of you look pretty. ANNIE Thank you Julie. Ally wants a hamburger for lunch. Do we know who makes the best hamburgers in town? JULIE We sure do. Andre's! Andre's was in walking distance. They were there in a matter of minutes. The waiter sat them at a table near the windows. It had a nice view of trees, and planters filled with different flowers. The waiter returned and took their order. While waiting for their food they chatted about their visit. ALLY My daddy will be coming home in a couple of days. I'm going to stay with Annie. After lunch we're going shopping. JULIE Is that right? Well, we had better get busy eating, here comes our food now. INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE BOARDROOM AFTERNOON FRIDAY ISRAEL The ten world leaders stand when Natas and another man walk into the room. Natas is dressed in a blue business suit. He appears to be in his early thirties, fair skinned, with dark hair. (27) NATAS Good afternoon. My name is Natas Reficul. Please be seated. I would like to introduce you to the Director of Government, Mr. Nogard. Mr. Nogard, these gentlemen are the ten world leaders. NOGARD Welcome to the Global village. I have control of all governments of the world. I will need your full cooperation in order to keep the world running smoothly. If any of you have a problem with that, now is the time say so. No one speaks. They all sit quietly. NOGARD Good. You will be home-based here in the Palace. You will have a suite of offices for you and your staff. I want everything running like clock work by the end of the month.There will be immediate changes in the income system. There will be four brackets of income. The first bracket will be $250,00.00. This will be for self employed professionals, such as Doctors, Lawyers, Entertainers, etc. The second bracket will be $150,000.00. This will be for Supervisory personnel in all fields. The third bracket will be $100,00.00. This would include workers in all fields. The fourth bracket will be $75,000.00. This would include all retired and disabled persons. There will be no unemployment! All citizens must fall into one of these brackets.I want all countries to cancel whatever tax policy they have and replace it with a 25% flat tax, that will come from the first three income brackets. The tax will be collected every month, starting next month, and be sent to The Global Village Bank, here in Jerusalem.In a couple of days I will appoint a Director of Economy. He will establish a One World Currency. Each of you will receive a copy of the new policies. Are there any questions? (The ten leaders remained silent).Well, if you have any questions between now and our next meeting, present them at that time, and we will discuss them. When you are ready, the Global Village will provide you with air transportation. That will be all. (28) Natas, and Nogard leave. The ten world leaders sit there in disbelief of what they had just experienced. INT. ANDRE'S RESTAURANT AFTERNOON. SATURDAY U.S. Ally got half way through her hamburger and couldn't eat anymore. They finished lunch, and they were off shopping. They went to different dress shops, and tried on clothes. Annie and Julie bought a new outfit. Annie notices the time. ANNIE Oh my, we have been shopping for hours. We had better head home. They walk to the hospital parking lot, get into Julie's car, and head for home. Annie invites Julie to stay for dinner. Julie accepts. Once they get into the house, Annie and Ally changed clothes. Ally goes and plays with her toys, Annie and Julie start dinner. INT. PALACE NATAS' OFFICE EVENING FRIDAY ISRAEL Knock on the office door. NATAS Come in. NOMED What can I do for you sir? NATAS I have an important task for you. I know, as we establish our new policies, we will be confronted with many protestors. I want you to form a worldwide underground force to control them. NOMED Which type of force would you prefer? One that keeps all protesters under control or one that eliminates protesters permanently? NATAS I would prefer the latter, but above all, make it appear that these protesters are rebels, attacking the Global Village Military. NOMED Very well, sir. I'll take care of it. (29) NATAS Good. That will be all Captain. Nomed leaves. Mr. Nogard arrives.NATAS Yes, Mr. Nogard, what is it? NOGARD Sir, I have appointed a Director of Economy. His name is Mr. Tnepres. I believe out of all our people he would be the best one for the position. He is very loyal, well educated, and capable of carrying out our policies. NATAS Very well, have him come here at once. Nogard picks up the phone and dials. NOGARD Come to the President's office immediately. NATAS While we wait for Mr. Tnepres, who do you have planned for a Director of Education? NOGARD I have not yet made up my mind sir. A knock on the door. NATAS Come in. Mr. Tnepres enters. Mr. Nogard introduces him. NATAS It is good to have you with us. I want you to set up a one world currency system. I want you to use the American dollar system and make the following changes. I want my picture on all bills. Replace the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" with "THE GLOBAL VILLAGE." Are there any questions? TNEPRES No sir, I will take care of it immediately. NATAS Very good. That will be all. The two men leave the office and go their separate ways. (30) INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL ROOM 202 EVENING SATURDAY U.S. Leonard prepares a list of scriptures for Annie. He had just finished when there came a knock on the door. LEONARD Come in. PAUL Hi, Leonard. I brought you my Bible, but I see you already have one. LEONARD Yes, my daughter and friend came to visit, and she brought mine from home. I have just prepared a list of scriptures for my friend that will show her that it was Satan that came yesterday, and not Christ. Would you like me to make you a list also? PAUL I'll just make copies. I have some friends that would love to have a list like this. LEONARD Good, make as many copies as you like. Paul reached down and picked Leonard up out of the chair, and placed him on the bed. As he exercised Leonard's legs, they talked. PAUL There are fifteen of us that meet three times a week for Bible study. We could use someone to help us who is more knowledgeable. Paul finishes the session. Takes the list and makes copies. Leonard lay in his bed resting. Paul returns with list, thanks Leonard and leaves. Leonard decided to try to stand. He lowered his legs over the side of the bed until his feet touched the floor. He carefully pulled himself up off the bed, holding on to the bed rail. He stood for a few seconds, then had to sit down. He repeated this several times, until he was exhausted. He laid back in the bed and fell asleep. In a matter of seconds, a figure engulfed in a bright light stood at the foot of Leonard's bed. The figure spoke very softly ,"FEED MY SHEEP," then turned and walked through the closed door. Leonard jumped up out of bed, and walked quickly across the room, opened the door and looked both ways in the hall. There was no one there. He turned to go back to bed, when he realized what he had just done. He continued back to bed, laid down. Then a knock on the door. (31) LEONARD Come in. PAUL I'm sorry to bother you, Leonard. but I wanted to ask you something before I went home. I. LEONARD (interrupts) Did you come into my room a couple of minutes ago? PAUL No, I just now came to ask you if you would speak at our group meeting when you get better? I think you have more insight than me. LEONARD I don't know about that. I can show you what God has shown me. I would be glad to speak at your meeting. Give me your number and I will call when I get out of here. Paul gave Leonard his card with his phone number and address on it, thanked Leonard, then left. The evening dinner tray arrived. It was placed on his bed table. Leonard eats his dinner. After dinner, he goes to the bathroom and washes up. On the way back to bed, the door opens and in comes Dr. Raymond. DOCTOR Well, looks like you don't need me anymore. When did this all happen? LEONARD About an hour ago, I had this strange dream and the next thing I knew, I was walking. DOCTOR Must have been some dream. Climb up on the bed, I want to check you over. The doctor ran a sharp tool up and down Leonard's legs, and the bottom of his feet. DOCTOR Did you feel anything? LEONARD Yes, something sharp. DOCTOR Good, I'm sure you're going to be just fine. (32) LEONARD When can I go home? DOCTOR You can go home tomorrow. I'll have your discharge papers ready in the morning. LEONARD Thank you. Dr. Raymond shakes Leonard's hand, and leaves. Leonard calls Annie. ANNIE (VO) Hello? LEONARD Hi, Annie. This is Leonard. I have some good news. I'll be coming home in the morning. ANNIE (VO) That's wonderful news! LEONARD Yes, it is. Annie, could I impose on you to bring me some clothes. Mine were ruined in the accident. ANNIE (VO) Of course. When would you like me to bring them? LEONARD Would eight o'clock be too early? ANNIE (VO) Eight o'clock will be just fine. LEONARD Thank you Annie, I'll see you in the morning. Bye. INT. PALACE NEWS ROOM EVENING FRIDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good evening, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. This morning two old men that claim to be witnesses sent by God, had fire come down from the sky, and literally burn up ten soldiers. It only took seconds to reduce them to ten small piles of ashes. It is the most incredible thing I ever saw. Later this morning, after the two witnesses left the courtyard, the hooded figure left the Temple with a police escort and went to the Presidential Palace, where he called a meeting with the ten world leaders and the new Director of Government. His name is Mr. Nogard. (33) Reports tell me that there will be a change in our wage structure. It will be replaced by a four bracket system. There will also be a 25% flat tax to replace all current tax systems. A Mr. Tnepres, was appointed the new Director of Economy. He has devised a one world currency that should come into effect in about a week. The Supreme President will hold a news release this evening. He will speak about the accusations made by the two witnesses. The news release will be at eight o'clock tonight. The Global Village military Forces have been heavily enforced at all airports, because of the unusual number of people there. The airlines are getting the people boarded on planes, and heading them back to their homelands. They are hopeful that by late morning, the airports will be back to normal. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. EXT. STREETS OF JERUSALEM EVENING FRIDAY ISRAEL WITNESSES (unison) Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: AND I SAW IN THE RIGHT HAND OF HIM THAT SAT UPON THE THRONE, A BOOK WRITTEN WITHIN AND ON THE BACKSIDE, SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS. BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE: AND HE THAT SAT ON HIM HAD A BOW. AND A CROWN WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM: AND HE WENT FORTH CONQUERING, AND TO CONQUER. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. Beware, the first seal of the seven sealed book is opened. The white horse is, the white clouds that you saw descending on the Temple. The one that sat on the white horse is, the hooded figure that came on the clouds. The bow in his hand is the power to make war. The crown that was given to him, is the title of Supreme President that the ten world leaders gave him. Beware, ye children of Jerusalem, there cometh three more horsemen. INT. ANNIE HOUSE KITCHEN EVENING SATURDAY U.S. Annie, Ally, and Julie finish dinner. They go to the living room to relax. (34) LIVING ROOM ANNIE I have some really good news for you Ally. Your daddy is coming home in the morning. ALLY Oh boy! Can he walk now? ANNIE I don't know, and I didn't think to ask. He would like for us to bring him some clothes and be at the hospital by eight in the morning. JULIE Well, it looks like you two have a lot to do, so I'm going to go. Thank you for dinner, Annie, and thank you, Ally for letting me share this day with you. I hope you had as much fun as I did. ANNIE We sure did, didn't we Ally? ALLY We sure did. They hugged and said good bye. Julie leaves. Annie and Ally go to Leonard's house to get Leonard some clothes. They returned to Annie's house. Ally takes a bath. After Ally's bath, Annie and Ally watch television. Ally yawns. They go upstairs. Annie puts Ally to bed. Annie returns to the living room just in time for the President's news release. INT. PALACE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE EVENING FRIDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good evening, this is Elbib Ehtdrow, reporting from the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. Ladies and gentlemen, The Supreme President! NATAS Good evening. By now you must have questions like, Who am I? Where did I come from? What am I doing here? And rightly so. First, I would like to respond to the accusations aimed at me. I have been called a liar, a murderer, and a serpent. I ask you, have I lied to anyone? Have I murdered anyone? Do I really look like a serpent? I will tell you my name. It is Natas Reficul. I want you to decide in your own mind as to who I am, and where I come from, and why I am here, from my actions as your Supreme President. You will know by the policies I put in place in the New One World Order. You will know by how your lives become easier and more prosperous and enjoyable. You will be the final judge. Thank you and good evening. (35) ELBIB Well, there you have it folks! This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. INT. PALACE SECURITY OFFICE MORNING SATURDAY ISRAEL Senator Gilmore of Texas had declared open war on the Global Village by calling the Victory Force into action. Captain Nomed wanted to place a spy into the ranks of the Victory Force, so he called the F.B.I. and got an investigative report on the Senator. After viewing the report, one name that stood out was Sergeant, Raymond Brooks, who served with the Senator in the Marine Corps. Requesting another report on Mr. Brooks, Nomed learns his last known address is in Houston, Texas. Nomed calls the Houston police Dept. DESK SERGEANT (VO) Police Department. NOMED I would like to speak with Captain Saunders. DESK SERGEANT (VO) Hold on. SAUNDERS (VO) Saunders here. NOMED This is Captain Nomed in Jerusalem. I'm looking for a Mr. Raymond Brooks. His last known address was Houston, Texas. Can you locate him for me? SAUNDERS (VO) What you want old Ray for, Captain? NOMED Oh, it sounds as though you know him. SAUNDERS (VO) Yes, he is one of my undercover agents. NOMED I want him to report to me at the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem, A.S.A.P. Do you have a problem with that? (36) SAUNDERS No, sir. I'll take care of it right way. NOMED Good, have a limo pick him up and take him to the Houston Airport. There will be a plane waiting for him there. That will be all. Nomed hung up the phone, and smiled. He was pleased with his plan to place a spy in the Victory Force. His phone rings. He picks it up. It's the duty officer at the airport. He reported a shooting incident. INT. JERUSALEM AIRPORT MORNING SATURDAY ISRAEL Pastor Ralph was distraught. He had led his congregation to Jerusalem to be raptured up by Christ. They were now being held like prisoners at the airport. There were soldiers at every exit. He could not face his people, so he made a mad dash for the nearest exit. He pushed past the soldiers and out through the door. He ran as fast as he could. He was ordered to stop, but kept on running. The soldiers raised their weapons and fired. Pastor Ralph fell to the ground. The soldiers walked over to the body, pushed it with the barrel of their rifle. He did not move. Pastor Ralph was dead. A truck pulled up next to the body, two soldiers got out and threw the body in the truck and drove away. That was the last that was seen of Pastor Ralph. The people didn't know what to do. They stood there in shock. Then they heard over the loud speaker. NOMED May I have your attention, please? It has been brought to my attention that a terrorist trying to escape had to be shot. It was unfotunate, but we cannot let terrorists get the upper hand. Now, on a brighter note, I have been authorized to grant you safe passage back to your homelands. See the airline representative for your departure time, and by all means, do not step outside of the terminal with out an escort. Thank you. INT. PALACE NEWS ROOM MORNING SATURDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good morning, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. Today is Saturday. (37) There has been a report that a terrorist was shot and killed while trying to escape at the airport. Those at the airport are being sent back to their home lands. A Senator from Texas has declared open war on the Global Village. He has banded together those who disagree with the One World Order. There have been reports of demonstrations by protestors. It appears many are not happy with the changes implemented by The Global Village. Last night the Supreme President addressed the world in response to the accusations of being called a liar, murderer, and a serpent, made by the two witnesses. He neither denied, nor admitted to these accusations. I guess the people will have to decide for themselves. The two witnesses are not concerned with his remarks. They just continue to roam the streets preaching the prophecy of God. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. INT. HOUSTON P.D. SAUNDERS OFFICE MORNING SUNDAY U.S. Saunders calls Ray. Tells him to come to his office. INT. RAY'S CAR RAY Be right there Captain. He makes a u-turn and heads back to headquarters. OFFICE RAY You wanted to see me Captain? SAUNDERS Come in. I got a call from Captain Nomed, head of security forces for the Supreme President. He wants you to go to the Palace in Jerusalem. RAY Did he say what he wanted to see me about? SAUNDERS No, and I didn't ask. Nomed is no one to fool around with. He is the top dog in the Global Village Military. You have to leave right away. I have your papers all ready. Go home, pack, and wait for a limo to pick you up. There will be a special plane waiting for you at the airport. Nomed will meet you at the other end. (38) RAY Okay, you’re the boss. Ray drives home. INT. RAY'S APARTMENT MORNING SUNDAY U.S. Phone rings. RAY Hello? SENATOR (VO) Is that you Ray? RAY Yes sir, old buddy. How are you? SENATOR (VO) I'm fine. How are you doing? RAY I'm okay. What's up? SENATOR (VO) Well, I thought we might get together and reminisce over old times. That was the signal that something was going down, and they needed to talk. RAY When do you want to get together? SENATOR (VO) How about tomorrow morning? RAY No can do, Gil. I have to go to the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. A Captain Nomed has sent for me. A limo is going to pick me up in a few minutes, so I don't have much time. SENATOR (VO) Nomed huh? You had better be careful with this Nomed character. I hear he is dangerous. A very powerful person in the Global village. Watch your back old buddy. Call me when you get back. RAY Will do. Have to run. I'm not packed yet. (39) Ray finished packing, mixed a drink, and waited for the limo. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE BEDROOM MORNING SUNDAY U.S. Annie woke up at six o'clock. Ally was still asleep. Annie goes down stairs. Gets everything ready for breakfast. Goes upstairs, and lays out the clothes they will be wearing, then wakes Ally. ANNIE Good morning Ally. We have to hurry so we can get to the hospital on time. ALLY Okay. They go downstairs. Annie cooks breakfast. Ally butters the toast. They were dressed and out the door by seven thirty. EXT. ANNIE'S CAR. ALLY I hope my daddy can walk. What if he can't walk? ANNIE I hope he can too, but if not we'll have to push him in a wheel chair. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL ROOM 202 MORNING SUNDAY U.S. Annie and Ally entered the room. Ally runs over to Leonard and hugs him. LEONARD Hello, honey, and hello Annie. ANNIE Hello, Leonard. How are you doing? LEONARD I'm doing just fine, thanks. ALLY Can you walk now Daddy? LEONARD Yes, I can Ally. ANNIE (OS) Well, how about you and me take a little walk while your daddy get's dressed? (40) ALLY Okay, we'll be right back daddy. Leonard gets dressed. Annie and Ally return. A candy striper takes Leonard to front exit in wheel chair. They get in Annie's car and drive off. ANNIE Do you want to go straight home, Leonard? LEONARD Yes, I'm anxious to see if there are any messages from Jenny. I'm worried about her. ANNIE Of course. If I can be of help, just let me know. LEONARD I don't want to impose on you any more than I have. You've done so much already. ANNIE Don't give it another thought. How about after you take care of things, you come over to my house? Ally and I will have lunch ready. LEONARD That would be great. Annie stops the car in front of Leonard's house. He explains to Ally, that he had some things to do, and that she was to stay with Annie, and he would come over for lunch later. Leonard gets out and goes into his house. Annie pulls into her garage, and she and Ally go into the house. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE MORNING SUNDAY U.S. Leonard picks up his mail, sorts through it on the way to the phone. He had hoped there was a message from Jenny. There was nothing. He called the airport, but no help there. There was nothing he could do but wait. He went down the list of things he had to do. Get a new car, call insurance company, call Paul and let him know that he was home. He found Paul's card and dialed the number. PAUL (VO) Therapy, Paul speaking. LEONARD Hello, Paul. This is Leonard, from room 202. (41) I wanted to let you know that I was discharged this morning. I'm at home now. PAUL (VO) That's great news, Are you walking now? LEONARD You remember I asked you if you came in my room last night while I was asleep? You said, no. I knew a man was in there. I saw him. Well, I got up out of bed and walked across the room, opened the door and looked out into the hall, but saw no one. It was then, that I realized that I had walked, and I have been walking ever since. The doctor checked me and said I would be just fine. PAUL (VO) That's great! You really are blessed. LEONARD Yes, God has truly blessed me. Hey, are you still having your Bible study tomorrow night? PAUL (VO) Yes, are you feeling up to coming? LEONARD I sure do. Can I bring my daughter, and a friend? PAUL (VO) You can bring whoever you like. Dinner is at six. My address is on the card I gave you. LEONARD Okay, see you tomorrow at six. Bye. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE KITCHEN AFTERNOON SUNDAY U.S. Leonard and Ally sit at the table. Annie serves lunch. ANNIE Did you have any luck with the phone messages? LEONARD No, all I can do is wait for her to call me. I have my cell phone with me. The first thing I need to do is get a car. Mine was destroyed in the accident. So, if you could keep Ally here, I could go and take care of that. (42) ANNIE Why not let her spend the night here with me in case Jenny does call, and it's late? I could have her ready for school in the morning, and you could pick her up then. LEONARD Oh my, I forgot all about school. You sure you don't mind keeping her? ANNIE No, I don't mind at all. I have enjoyed having her with me. I will miss her very much when she goes back home. I can drive you to get a new car, if you want. LEONARD No, I'll call a cab. Thanks Annie, you're terrific! Oh, by the way, my therapist at the hospital, has invited me and Ally to come to his house tomorrow night for dinner and a Bible study afterwards. Would you like to come along? Paul said I could bring anyone. ANNIE Yes, I'd like that. Go explain to Ally what your going to do, and I'll call a cab. LIVING ROOM Leonard goes to the living room and explains to Ally, that she is to stay with Annie for one more night, and he would pick her up in the morning for school. He gave Ally a hug and kiss, and said goodbye to Annie. Went out the door and got into the cab. INT. COMMUNIST PARTY HEADQUARTERS EVENING SATURDAY CHINA Meeting. The People's Republic Of China were upset about Natas Reficul becoming the Supreme President. LU YEN PING We have worked too many years to become the world's super power to lose it now. We must devise a plan to assassinate the Supreme President. SOO LOO CHANG Since my father is the Prime Minister of China, and one of the ten world leaders, he has shamed China by handing our country over to Natas Reficul. I feel it is my duty to be the one to assassinate the Supreme President. (43) LU YEN PING How do you plan to carry out this assassination? SOO LOO CHANG I will convince my father that it would look good for China if he would offer me as a gift to the President. I am quite confident that Natas Reficul will not refuse the gift. It would be an insult to China if he did. I have a plan, and once I have gained his trust, I will put that plan into motion, and then my father can take his rightful position, as Supreme President. LU YEN PING Very well then, we will place the assassination of the Supreme President in your hands. Do not fail us. This meeting is adjourned. EXT. STREETS OF JERUSALEM EVENING SATURDAY ISRAEL WITNESSES (unison) Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: AND THERE WENT OUT ANOTHER HORSE THAT WAS RED: AND POWER WAS GIVEN TO HIM THAT SAT THEREON TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH, AND THAT THEY SHOULD KILL ONE ANOTHER: AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A GREAT SWORD. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. Woe unto you that dwell upon the earth, for now has cometh the second horseman of the Apocalypse, the second seal has been opened. The red horse is the symbol for war. He that sat upon the red horse is Mr. Nogard, Director of Government. Power has been given unto him to take peace from the earth and make war. Beware! There yet cometh two more horsemen. Soon will come the famine, pestilence, earthquakes, and the great tribulation. The famine is the starvation of God's holy word, smothered by the pestilence of the sick minds of men. The earthquakes are chaos, confusion, and fear. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: YE SHALL HEAR OF WARS AND RUMORS OF WARS: SEE THAT YE NOT BE TROUBLED: FOR ALL THESE THINGS MUST COME TO PASS, BUT THE END IS NOT YET. FOR NATION SHALL RISE AGAINST NATION, AND KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM: AND THERE SHALL BE FAMINES, PESTILENCE, AND EARTHQUAKES IN DIVERS PLACES. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. War has come. The Global Village against The Victory Force. All nations band together as one kingdom against the kingdom of Satan. (44) A group of fifteen people began to harass the two old men. They yelled out angry remarks, "You are from the devil! Go back to hell! Tell your lies some where else! They kept yelling until the witnesses had enough, then they stopped and raised their hands up toward heaven and spoke. WITNESSES (unison) OH HEAVENLY FATHER, SEND DOWN YOUR POWER FROM HEAVEN, AND TURN ALL THE WATER THAT BELONGS TO THESE HECKLERS INTO BLOOD. (lowering hands) See how long thou livest without water. The two old men continued on their way. The hecklers persisted to harass them. They began to throw stones at them. Suddenly the stones turned to fire in their hands. They quickly poured water out of their bottle to put the fire out, but out poured blood. Seeing that blood came out of their water bottles, they emptied them on the ground, but what came out was water, not blood. They refilled their bottles with fresh water, and continued to harass the witnesses. Their throats became parched from shouting. They stopped to drink water. As their bottles touched their lips, blood came out of the bottles. They cried out to others to share their water, but God had deafened the ears of the people, and they could not hear the cries of the hecklers. INT. PALACE CONFERENCE ROOM EVENING SATURDAY ISRAEL Natas calls a meeting in the conference room. They all rise as Natas, and his two Directors enter. They all sit down. NATAS Good evening. I trust that you have found your accommodations satisfactory. If you have any needs that have not been met, please contact Mr. Nogard. I would like to thank you all for your cooperation in making The Global Village a success. We have made tremendous progress. We have established a four bracket income, and a 25% Global tax. We are in the process of a one world currency. Ah! But there is much more that has to be done. We must reach out with a One World Education system that will train our children in the ways of The Global Village. Now, I would like to introduce you to our new Director of Economy, Mr. Tnepres. He will implement the new currency. Next, Captain Nomed would like to brief you all on our New FREEDOM FROM CRIME policy. Captain, you have the floor. (45) NOMED Thank you Mr. President. Gentlemen, I will try to make this as brief as possible. The world's crime rate is unacceptable. Starting immediately, all prisoners that have been convicted or will be convicted in the future for violent crimes will be shot by a firing squad. All prisoners that have been convicted of theft, depending on the severity of the theft, the punishment will be as follows. Major theft, $50,000 or higher will have one hand amputated. Minor theft, $50,000 or under will have all the fingers of one hand amputated. I want all prisons emptied, and completely renovated into comfortable living quarters for the aged, and homeless. All medical personnel working in prisons will remain in their present positions. Are there any questions? BRITISH PRIME MINSTER What about drug crimes? NOMED Drugs will be legalized. There should be no reason to commit a crime for something that can be bought legally. If by chance there is a crime, it will be punished accordingly. Thank you. They stand as the President, the Directors and Nomed leave. INT. PALACE NEWS ROOM EVENING SATURDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good evening, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. Fifteen people began harassing the witnesses today. It has been reported that the witnesses turned their water into blood. Israel's borders are now open. Airports are back to normal. There was a meeting today in the Palace on the new crime policy. All I have at this time, is that there is going to be severe punishment for those who commit crimes. (46) A New Director of Economy has been appointed. His name is Mr. Tnepres. He is going to set up a one world currency system. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. INT. PLANE MORNING MONDAY U.S. Jenny was awakened by the touch of the flight attendant FLIGHT ATTENDANT Fasten your seat belt we are about to land. Jenny fastened her seat belt and looked out the window and watched the ground get bigger as the plane made it's descent. The plane came to a stop. INT. L.B. AIRPORT MORNING The church group departed without the usual hugs and goodbyes. Jenny headed for the phone booth to call Leonard. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE EARLY MORNING. MONDAY U.S. Leonard was awakened by the ringing of the phone. He looked at his watch through half opened eyes. It was five-thirty in the morning. He picked up the phone. LEONARD Jenny? JENNY Yes, Leonard, it's me. LEONARD Where are you? Are you alright? It's so good to hear your voice. JENNY It's good to hear your voice too Leonard. Can you come and get me? I'll be in the coffee shop. LEONARD I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you. JENNY I love you too, bye. EXT. DRIVING TO AIRPORT EARLY MORNING. MONDAY U.S. (47) Leonard was dressed and out the door in minutes. He prayed thanks to God for sending Jenny home. As he approached the coffee shop, he could see Jenny sitting at a booth by the window. She looked very sad. INT. COFFEE SHOP Leonard walks up to the booth. Jenny is looking out the window. She sees his reflection in the window, jumps up and throws her arms around his neck. They hold each other for a long time. She begins to cry. They both sit down in the booth across from each other. Leonard orders breakfast. JENNY Can you ever forgive me for being so foolish? LEONARD There is nothing to forgive. The important thing is that you are here. We missed you so much. JENNY How is Ally? LEONARD She is just fine. She has made friends with our neighbor across the street. That is where she has been since Friday. Oh, Jenny, so much has happened since you left. Leonard told her about his car accident, and how Annie came to take care of Ally. LEONARD There is something about Annie that is special. Not just because she was kind to me and Ally, there is something else. I know once you meet her, you will feel it too. JENNY I'm sure I will. I'm already indebted to her for all she has done. Leonard, a terrible thing happened while we were being held at the airport in Israel. Pastor Ralph was shot and killed. He was distraught, and blamed himself for us being rejected by God and not being raptured. He pushed passed the soldiers at the exit and started running, and they shot him. LEONARD What a horrible thing for you to have seen. I am sure God had a purpose for the pastors death. Come on, let's go home. (48) INT. PALACE NEWS ROOM MORNING SUNDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good morning, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. Today is Sunday. Top story! Captain Nomed is at the airport waiting for a mystery man from the U.S. No one knows who he is, or why he is here. There will be an honorary dinner for the Supreme President this evening. It is being hosted by the Prime Minister, of China, Tung Chang. The fifteen people that harassed the witnesses, still can not find water to drink. Every attempt is the same. When the water touches their lips, it turns to blood. I wonder how long this will go on? The two witnesses are still roaming the streets preaching the prophecy of God, and claiming that they were sent by God. The people of Jerusalem seem to think differently. The Global Village is progressing very well. We now have a four income system, a flat tax, a one world currency in the making, and a new crime policy. That's not bad for three days work. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE Kitchen MORNING MONDAY U.S. Leonard makes coffee. Calls Annie. ANNIE (VO) Hello? LEONARD Annie, it's Leonard. Can you believe I forgot about taking Ally to school? ANNIE (VO) Don't worry about it. I took Ally to school, only to find out that there was no school today. Some kind of teachers meeting. I knew you would call sooner or later. Any news about Jenny? LEONARD Yes, I picked her up at the airport at six this morning. She is sleeping now, but I am going to wake her up soon, then we'll be over to get Ally. Then I will take us all out to lunch. Okay? (49) ANNIE (VO) Okay, see you in a little while. Leonard takes coffee up to the bedroom and wakes Jenny. LEONARD Shall we go get our daughter? Leonard and Jenny go across the street to Annie's house, and ring the bell. Annie and Ally go to the door. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE FRONT DOOR MORNING MONDAY U.S. Annie opens the door. Ally sees her mother and leaps into her arms. They hugged and kissed many times. ALLY Please don't ever go away again, Mommy. JENNY I promise honey, I will never leave you again. Leonard introduces Jenny to Annie. JENNY I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for my family. ANNIE Believe me, the pleasure was all mine. You have a wonderful daughter. JENNY Thank you. ANNIE Come to the kitchen, I just made a pot of coffee. They all sit at the table. LEONARD Jenny, we're going to dinner and a Bible study tonight, Do you feel up to going? JENNY Oh sure, I'd like to go. Leonard Are you still coming Annie? ANNIE Yes, I'm looking forward to it. May I bring my friend Julie? (50) LEONARD Sure, Paul said bring whoever you want. ANNIE Good. Excuse me while I phone my friend. Annie dials Julie's number and leaves message. ANNIE Julie, I am going to a dinner and a Bible study tonight, would you like to go? If so, be here at four-thirty. Bye. LEONARD How about we take Ally's things over to the house, and then we'll all go to lunch? ANNIE, JENNY, ALLY Okay. Let's go. EXT.TEL AVIV-YAFO BEN GURION AIRPORT MORNING SUNDAY ISRAEL Captain Nomed is waiting for Raymond Brooks. He is in his limousine watching the plane land. He instructs his driver to pull up to the plane. The driver obeys, gets out, and holds the rear door open for Ray. Ray steps into the limo. Chauffeur drives to Palace LIMOUSINE NOMED Good morning Mr. Brooks. I am Captain Nomed, head of Security Forces for The global Village. RAY Nice to meet you, sir (shakes hands) I hope you don't mind if I get right to the point. I'm a bit curious as to why you sent for me. NOMED Not at all. I need someone with your experience, who is loyal to The global Village to be an undercover agent for me. It has been brought to my attention that you and Mr. Joseph Gilmore, a Senator from Texas, are acquaintances. Mr. Gilmore has sent out a call to gather a Victory Force against The Global Village. That is where you come in. RAY What is it that you want me to do? (51) NOMED Well, I would have you appointed to his staff immediately. When ever you learn anything about the Victory Force operations, naturally you would inform me. I would be willing to provide you with an unlimited expense account, plus you would receive a class two clearance card, which provides total cooperation from all Global Village Forces. Also, while you are here in Jerusalem, we will provide an apartment for you in the Palace complex. RAY (beat) Well, Captain, when do you need my answer? NOMED How about in the morning? RAY That'll be fine. EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE MORNING SUNDAY ISRAEL Chauffeur arrives at Palace. Drops off Capt. Nomed NOMED I have arranged accommodations for you at the Complex. I'm sure you will be quite comfortable there. My driver will escort you, and someone will see to all your needs. Thank you for coming, Mr. Brooks, and enjoy your stay in The Global Village. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX. AFTERNOON SUNDAY ISRAEL Chauffeur drives to apartment complex, walks Ray to his room, hands him the keys and leaves. INT. APARTMENT Ray opened the door to the apartment. He could hardly believe what he saw. It was beautiful! RAY Wow! What am I doing working in Houston, when I could be living like this? Ray closes the door, fixes a drink at the bar, and starts unpacking. A knock on the door. Ray goes to the door. Opens it. There stood a beautiful young lady with a luncheon cart. MATA Mr. Brooks, I'm Mata. I am your hostess. (52) RAY (beat) Well hello, Mata. Please come in. MATA I hope you're hungry, Mr. Brooks. We have a wide variety of foods and wines. RAY Please, call me Ray. Will you join me for lunch? MATA I'd love to. Ray pulled out a chair for her. Mata sits. RAY Is this how every visitor is treated here in the Palace, or am I special? MATA Oh, you are special, but we try to make everyone comfortable. After lunch, Mata gives Ray the grand tour of the Presidential Palace. EXT. STREETS OF JERUSALEM AFTERNOON SUNDAY ISRAEL WITNESSES (unison) Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE THIRD SEAL I BEHELD, AND LO A BLACK HORSE; AND HE THAT SAT ON HIM HAD A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. He that cometh on the black horse is the Director of Economy, Mr. Tnepres. He cometh to control the buying and selling in the world. Hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE OIL OR THE WINE. The measure of wheat and barley is Global Trade, which controls everything bought or sold. Behold, there cometh one more horseman. Beware, repent and come unto the Lord, for now is the time of the end. INT. PALACE DINING ROOM EVENING SUNDAY ISRAEL All guests have arrived. Waiting for the Supreme President. (53) NOMED Ladies and Gentlemen, The Supreme President! The guests form a line on both sides of the room, and applaud as the President enters the dining room. He shakes hands with his Director's, the ten world leaders, and their wives. TUNG CHANG Mr. President, we are honored by your presence. Please follow me sir. Chang leads the President to his table. Dinner is served. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE EVENING MONDAY U.S. Leonard picks up Annie and Julie at five-thirty. They arrive at Paul's house a little before six. EXT. PAUL'S HOUSE EVENING MONDAY U.S. Leonard rings the bell. Paul comes to the door. PAUL Hello everyone, come in. We might as well go right to the dining room, dinner is on the table. HALLWAY The old house was well kept. They walked through a long hall that was furnished with old pieces of furniture. There was a grandfather clock, and a long table with candles on each side of a beautiful bowl. DINING ROOM Paul seated everyone to a specific place, keeping Leonard's group at one end of the table. Paul ended up across from Annie. Though he didn't know why, he felt drawn to her, and somehow he knew she was feeling the same thing. PAUL Because there are so many of us, I'm going to go down each side of the table and give names. We can get to know each other later. Paul named off everyone in the rooming house, and Leonard named off those in his group. PAUL Leonard, would you say grace please? (54) INT. PALACE TUNG CHANG'S QUARTERS EVENING SUNDAY ISRAEL Soo Loo Chang is ready to be presented. She sends a messenger to inform her father. DINING ROOM PRIME MINISTER May I have your attention please? It is with great pleasure that I, Prime Minister of China, present you, Mr. President with a gift from China. The Prime Minister clapped his hands, the double doors open and in comes a Chinese man pulling a golden rickshaw. Seated in that rickshaw is the beautiful Soo Loo Chang. The rickshaw stops in front of Natas. The Prime Minister takes his daughter's hand as she steps down out of the rickshaw. PRIME MINISTER Mr. President, China's gift to you, Soo Loo Chang. Natas could not insult the people of China by refusing their gift, so he had no choice but to accept NATAS I thank you, Mr. Prime Minister and the people of China, for such a beautiful gift. I am honored. Now let's enjoy this wonderful evening of Chinese hospitality. Natas sat down next to Soo Loo and stared at her. NATAS Please forgive me for staring, but you are very beautiful, but what am I to do with you? SOO LOO You may do with me as you wish. I now belong to you. I am well trained in the business field, among many other things. NATAS Well, we'll have to see about that later, for tonight, why don't we enjoy this evening and get more acquainted? Shall we go to the ballroom? SOO LOO I would love to. INT. PAUL'S HOUSE DINING ROOM EVENING MONDAY U.S. The dinner table was cleared. Notebooks and pens were passed out. Paul brought coffee. Juice for Ally. Jenny takes Ally to the living room to play with her toys. Jenny returns to dining room and takes her place next to Leonard. PAUL Everyone is here, you can start anytime Leonard. LEONARD First, I want to thank you for a lovely dinner. Secondly, I am a little nervous, so bear with me. I would like to start tonight's study with the event that took place on Thursday, in Jerusalem. Most believe that Jesus had come to rapture the church. My question tonight is, was it really Jesus that came on that cloud? We are fortunate that Paul has taped the whole event. He will show us just the beginning. Okay Paul. Paul positioned the television so everyone could see. He pushed the play button. There on the screen was the descending cloud coming down out of heaven. Then there was the hooded figure standing there. The cries of the people could be heard: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Paul stopped the tape. LEONARD Thank you Paul. Now, I would like who ever wishes to participate, to tell me in their words why they think the hooded figure was Jesus Christ. MABEL Because the Bible says so. Read Acts. 1;9-10-11. GEORGE Daniel 7:13 speaks of the coming of the Son of man. EMMA Read the gospels. Matthew. 24:30, Mark. 14:64, and Luke. 21:27. JOHN What about Revelation 14:14? JENNY Also First Thessalonians 4:16,17 LEONARD I am overwhelmed by the knowledge you have about the Bible. In these days and times, the Bible has been a much forgotten book. I am so glad to know that some people still take the word of God seriously. Now, for the scriptures that you all mentioned. Everyone of them pertain to the coming of Christ. If you compare what the scriptures say, to what we saw on the tape, you will see that the two events are not the same. The verses in Acts, do not give a descriptive account of Christ's return. It only confirms that he will return as he left, in the clouds. The verse in Daniel gives a descriptive account of the coming of the Son of man. George, please read Daniel 7:13. (55) GEORGE One like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. LEONARD That verse also confirms that Christ will come in the clouds, but there is more that has to take place. He was brought before the Ancient of Days. Any one know who the Ancient of Days is? PAUL The Ancient of Days, is God. Look at verse 7:14. You see that the Son of man (Christ) was given glory, a kingdom and a dominion. Only God can give those things. LEONARD Very good Paul. Now look at the gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. We see again a descriptive account of the coming of Christ. They describe the son of man coming with great power and glory. Mark says, we will see him sitting on the right hand of power, meaning God. Did we see any of these things taking place when the hooded figure came? No, we did not. Therefore, we have no other choice but to believe that it was not Christ that came. Let's go on to Revelation. 14:14. Once again, it gives a descriptive account of the coming of the son of man. ON HIS HEAD A GOLDEN CROWN, AND IN HIS HAND A SHARP SICKLE. The hooded figure had nothing on his head except the hood, and he had nothing in his hand. So I conclude that Christ has not yet come, and it is not the end of the world. Are there any questions so far? (No questions). Okay, why don’t we have a coffee break, then we can go on to the Rapture Doctrine? (57) INT. PALACE BALLROOM EVENING SUNDAY ISRAEL The orchestra was playing a waltz when they entered the ballroom. Natas asked Soo Loo to dance. They made a nice looking couple. They danced and drank the evening away. It was getting late, Natas sent for Captain Nomed. INT. PAUL'S HOUSE DINING ROOM EVENING MONDAY U.S. Leonard went on to the next topic. LEONARD How many believe in the Rapture Doctrine? Everyone raised their hand except for Paul and Annie. LEONARD Oh my, I am really outnumbered. Is there anyone who will explain what the Rapture Doctrine means? JENNY (stands) I'm one that believes in the rapture. We are taught that Christ will come and take us up to heaven just before the great tribulation. Those who are not good Christians will be left behind. The tribulation period is a seven year period of trouble and sorrows. After the seven years of tribulation, anyone that has accepted Christ before he comes in the final appearance, will be saved. That is the best description I can give. LEONARD Thank you, Jenny. What scriptures do you use to support the rapture? Would you read them please? JENNY First Thessalonians 4:16,17. FOR THE LORD HIMSELF SHALL DESCEND FROM HEAVEN WITH A SHOUT, WITH THE VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL, AND WITH THE TRUMP OF GOD: AND THE DEAD IN CHRIST SHALL BE RAISED FIRST. THEN WE WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN SHALL BE CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS, TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR: AND SHALL WE EVER BE WITH THE LORD. LEONARD Thank you Jenny. Those two scriptures are very comforting, and they should be, for that is why Paul wrote them. The question here is ,why did Paul have to write comforting words to the Thessalonians? Their concern was for those who had died before Christ returned. We see that in verse thirteen. IF THOSE THAT DIED BEFORE CHRIST CAME, WOULD WE, WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN, PREVENT THEM FROM BEING RAISED? Paul's answer to these concerns is SORROW NOT. In other words don't worry. Why should they not worry? Verse fourteen gives us the answer. FOR IF WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS DIED AND ROSE AGAIN, EVEN SO, THEM ALSO WHICH SLEEP IN JESUS WILL GOD BRING WITH HIM. And again, in verse fifteen we see. THAT WE, WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN UNTO THE COMING OF THE LORD, SHALL NOT PREVENT THEM WHICH ARE ASLEEP. So, Paul wrote verse 16, & 17 in a descriptive way to show them that, THE DEAD IN CHRIST SHALL BE RAISED FIRST, THEN WE WHICH ARE ALIVE, AND REMAIN, WILL BE GATHERED TOGETHER WITH THEM. So you see, Paul wrote those specific words to comfort the Thessalonians, just like verse eighteen says. WHEREFORE COMFORT ONE ANOTHER WITH THESE WORDS. They were not intended to be a separate doctrine. Are there any questions? (58) MABEL Yes, are we going to be caught up in the air. LEONARD No, not the way you think it will be. Let me explain. The words CAUGHT UP mean to be GATHERED, and the word THEM, signifies the dead that are raised. The words IN THE CLOUDS designates where they are. Now the word AIR, means SPIRIT. Verses 16,&17 should read like this. WE WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN SHALL BE GATHERED TOGETHER WITH THE DEAD THAT HAVE BEEN RAISED AND MEET THE LORD IN THE SPIRIT. This will happen, not at a rapture of the church, but at the last day, at the sound of the seventh trumpet. Turn to First Corinthians 15;51. BEHOLD, I SHEW YOU A MYSTERY; WE SHALL NOT ALL SLEEP. BUT WE ALL SHALL BE CHANGED. There are two key words here, ALL, and CHANGED. The word all indicates all people, everyone that has been or will be and that is. The mystery is, that we all shall not die, but we all shall be changed. Any questions? JOHN Why must we be changed? (59) LEONARD John, please read verse fifty. JOHN Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God. Neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. LEONARD Thank you John. So, if flesh and blood cannot inherit eternal life, which is the kingdom of God, then we must be changed. Emma, please read verse fifty-two. EMMA In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: For a trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. LEONARD It tells us when we will be changed, and when the dead shall be raised. At the sound of the last trumpet. The seventh trumpet sound. Take note, that it says the dead are raised, not changed. Now, since we all have to be changed, then the dead would have to have been changed already. So, it is obvious that when man dies he is then changed from the physical body to the spiritual body that we live in after death. Any questions? GEORGE You mean to say, that when we die here on earth, that is not the end of it? LEONARD Oh no, George, there is yet another life, if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. GEORGE How do you know we have a spiritual body? LEONARD Read verse forty-four, George. GEORGE It is sown a natural body; It is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. (60) LEONARD There is your answer, sir. Any questions? NANCY Then what God is saying, is that when we die here, we are not dead, but merely changed. LEONARD Yes Nancy, that is what God has said. I hope I have shown you by using the scriptures we just studied, that the Rapture Doctrine has been taken out of context by using the two scriptures in Thessalonians. GLENN What is the importance in believing in the rapture or not believing? JENNY I would like to answer that question. There was a hundred of us from our church, and we believed what our pastor taught us about the rapture. We all left our homes and families and everything behind, and went to Jerusalem to be raptured. We only got as far as the airport, and were not allowed to go any further. Our Pastor was extremely distraught by all of this. So much so, that he forced his way through the guards and they shot him. (Tears were streaming down Jenny's face as she spoke). You were not there. You couldn't begin to imagine how devastating it was to feel you had been rejected by God. I can see now, how we were all deceived by the wrong teachings. So yes, it is very important what you believe about the rapture. If I had been able to get to the Temple, I would have worshipped that figure as God. Don't be fooled as I was. It may cost you your soul. I thank God for revealing the truth to me this very night. LEONARD Well, with that I think we should end our study. Paul would you close with a prayer? INT. PALACE BALLROOM EVENING SUNDAY ISRAEL Captain Nomed arrives at the ballroom. Natas instructs him to escort Miss Chang to her quarters across the hall from his own. (61) NATAS Good night, my dear. It's been a pleasurable evening. Captain Nomed will show you to your quarters. SOO LOO (smiles) I had a wonderful time too. INT. PAUL'S HOUSE DINING ROOM EVENING. MONDAY U.S. Refreshments are placed on the table. Coffee, cakes, and cookies. Jenny gets Ally. Paul offers Annie some coffee and cookies, and sits down next to her. PAUL Well, Annie, what did you think about the study? ANNIE I was very impressed. I think I've learned quite a bit. PAUL Yes, me too, and hopefully so did the others. Leonard did a great job. ANNIE Yes, he did. PAUL Are you coming to our next study? ANNIE Yes, if Leonard is coming. PAUL I'm pretty sure Leonard will come back. How did you come to know Leonard and his family? ANNIE It's kind of a long story. I'll have to tell you some other time. I think Leonard is coming for me. LEONARD Excuse me, Annie. It's time to go. Thank you again Paul. I had a wonderful time, and your friends are very nice. I hope I was some help to them. PAUL Are you coming back on Wednesday? LEONARD If you would like. (62) Paul gathered everyone together to say good night. They all exchanged goodbyes, and Leonard headed for home. EXT. STREETS OF JERUSALEM EVENING. SUNDAY ISRAEL WITNESSES (unison) Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: HURT NOT THE EARTH NEITHER THE SEA, NOR THE TREES, TILL WE HAVE SEALED THE SERVANTS OF GOD IN THEIR FOREHEADS. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. The earth, sea, and trees are symbolic for God's elect. None shall be hurt before they are sealed with the mark of God in their forehead. Hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: AN HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND, HAVING THE FATHER'S NAME WRITTEN IN THEIR FOREHEADS. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. There will be 144,000 saints that will be sealed by the mark of God. Only the chosen can see the light that engulfs the heads of those who have been sealed. They can not see it on themselves, only on others. Behold! Soon cometh the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE KITCHEN EVENING. MONDAY U.S. Annie is singing while making coffee. JULIE What are you so happy about? ANNIE I'm not sure. Remember Paul, whose house we went to tonight? I think I like him. I mean, I really like him, and I think he likes me too! When we said goodnight, he didn't just shake my hand, he held it ever so gently. You know what I mean? JULIE Yes, I do. Who knows, this could be Mr. Right. ANNIE Maybe. We'll just have to wait and see. Are you going to spend the night, Julie? (63) JULIE Sounds good to me. ANNIE Great, I got kind of used to having Ally here with me, and I really wasn't looking forward to having breakfast by myself. INT. PALACE NEWS ROOM EVENING SUNDAY ISRAEL ELBIB Good evening, this is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Presidential Palace in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. The latest story for today, is that the Prime Minister of China gave his daughter Soo Loo Chang as a gift of love and respect to the Supreme President this evening at his honorary dinner. The fifteen hecklers are still going without water. Some say they are having difficulty in talking. They have tried to make amends, but the witnesses just ignore them. There seems to be something going on with Captain Nomed, and a mystery man from the U.S. Reports are, that an unidentified man arrived in Jerusalem this morning and was met by Captain Nomed, then taken to the palace. All is quiet in the Global Village this evening. There have been no riots, or demonstrations. Maybe the people are adjusting to the new policies. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM EVENING. MONDAY U.S. JENNY I was very proud of you at the Bible study. LEONARD Thank you , honey. I was proud of you too. Jenny What do you mean? LEONARD Well, when you stood up and told the people how important it was knowing the truth about the rapture, and how God had revealed the truth to you tonight. I was so proud of you. (64) JENNY I don't know why I didn't see it before. Pastor Ralph never referred to the scriptures that you used tonight. I believe that God has used you to show me by the scriptures how wrong I was. LEONARD God does work in mysterious ways. The rest of your church members should have been there tonight, they may have seen the truth also. JENNY Leonard, that gives me an idea! If I can get our church group together, would you explain to them just like you did tonight? It could make such a difference in their lives. What do you think? LEONARD I don't know Jenny, they may not want to, but if you can get them together, I'll do my best. JENNY Good, I'll get started on it tomorrow. It's been a very long day, let's go to bed. INT. PALACE NATAS' OFFICE MORNING MONDAY ISRAEL Soo Loo is now Natas' secretary. She placed a bug in his office so she would know everything that went on. Mr. Nogard and Mr.Tnepres have a meeting scheduled with the President. SOO LOO Please have a seat, I'll let the President know you are here. Mr. President, Mr. Nogard, and Mr. Tnepres are here. Yes, sir. You may go in now. NATAS Come in, and sit down. Now, what is so important that you had to see me right away? TNEPRES I have devised a way to mark all the citizens of The Global Village without them knowing they have this mark in their right hand. NATAS How does this work? TNEPRES Well, everyone will receive an identification card in the mail. There will be a seal in the middle of this card. In order to activate the card, they must place their right thumb print on the seal. When this is done, a radio-active chemical in the seal will penetrate the first layer of skin, and can only be detected by a special ultraviolet light. The chemical cannot be removed without removing the first layer of skin, or thumb. (65) NATAS Hmm, very interesting. This is good news. When can we start production on these cards? NOGARD As soon as you give us the go ahead, sir. NATAS You have it! I am quite pleased with your accomplishments, gentlemen. See to it that this project remains top secret, and keep me informed of any new developments. That will be all. EXT. STREETS OF JERUSALEM MORNING MONDAY ISRAEL WITNESSES (unison) Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the prophecy of God. IT IS WRITTEN: BEHOLD A PALE HORSE: AND HIS NAME THAT SAT UPON HIM WAS DEATH. Ye children of Jerusalem, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Ye that hath ears, let him hear. Behold, the fourth horseman cometh. He that sat upon the pale horse is Mr. Lived, Director of Education. He brings spiritual death. He will deceive your children and keep them ignorant of God's word. The word of God shall be blasphemed in the Global Village. Woe unto the children of Jerusalem. Now cometh wars, pestilence, famine and earthquakes. Now cometh the great tribulation, trouble and sorrows. Repent, for now is the time of the end. The people planned to kill the two old men. They were on the roof tops of three buildings at the end of a dead end street. They planned to shoot down upon them. They waited anxiously, palms sweating, mouth dry, and heart racing. The two old men come closer and closer unaware that death awaits them. As they walk, they preach the prophecy. Then gun fire rings out into the night. The smell of gunpowder fills the air. Bullets rain down on the two old men, then there is silence. After the smoke clears, the people expected to see the bodies, but there were none. The two old men were gone. (66) INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE KITCHEN MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Jenny called the church members. Many were skeptical, but finally she got them all to agree to be at the church on Sunday. She was excited, so she called Leonard. LEONARD (VO) Jenk's Consulting, Leonard speaking. JENNY Hi, honey. Just wanted to let you know that all the church members are coming to listen to you on Sunday at the church. Isn't that wonderful? LEONARD (VO) That's great, honey. I'll do the best I can. JENNY I know you will. Got to go, have to pick up Ally from school. See you later. Love you. Bye. INT. PAUL'S HOUSE PAUL'S ROOM MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Paul was preparing his Bible study for Wednesday night. He couldn't concentrate because thoughts of Annie would creep into his mind. He wanted to call her, but didn't have her number, so he called Leonard. JENNY (VO) Hello? PAUL Hi, Jenny. This is Paul, from Bible study. I was wondering if you had Annie's number? JENNY (VO) I'm sure we have it here somewhere, let me look for it and I'll call you back. INT. LEONARD'S HOUSE KITCHEN MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Jenny looks for the number, finds it, and calls Annie. ANNIE (VO) Hello? JENNY Annie, Jenny. I am calling because Paul just called and wanted your number. Do you mind if I give it to him? (67) ANNIE (VO) No, I don't mind at all. JENNY Okay, thanks. Paul is waiting for me to call. Bye. INT. PAULS' HOUSE PAUL'S ROOM MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Paul calls Annie. PAUL Hi, Annie. This is Paul. ANNIE (VO) Hello, Paul. PAUL Would you like to go out for coffee? ANNIE (VO) Do you mean now? PAUL Yes, now. ANNIE (VO) Sure!( Annie gives Paul her address.) PAUL Great, I'll be there in thirty minutes. EXT. STREETS LONG BEACH CALIF. MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Paul stopped and bought flowers. He pulls up in front of Annie's house. Walks up the stairs and rings bell. INT. ANNIE'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Annie opens door. PAUL Hi, these are for you. ANNIE Thank you. Please come in and make yourself comfortable while I put these in water. They are beautiful. Paul looks around the room. Annie returns with the vase of flowers and sets them on the table. (68) ANNIE Shall we go? Paul and Annie get into his car and drive off. INT. PAUL'S CAR PAUL I know of this nice little place we can go for coffee and get better acquainted.I know you will like it. It's called THE COTTAGE INN. I've been going there for years. It's just on the outskirts of town and set back off the road. We'll be there in just a few minutes. (pulls in driveway) ANNIE Oh, Paul, this is beautiful! PAUL Yes, it is. People walk around the grounds sometimes before they go in. Would you like to? ANNIE Yes, I'd love to. Paul took her hand. They walked toward the end of the building. Annie could see a small beautiful man-made pond with a little wooden bridge spanning across to the other side. In the background was a wooded area, with flowers around the back edge of the pond, and two swans swimming. ANNIE It is as beautiful as anything I have ever seen. Thank you for bringing me here Paul. I'll never forget this day. PAUL I knew you would like it. I don't mean to frighten you or anything, but ever since last night, when I first saw you, somehow I knew that we were meant to be together, and I had the feeling that you sensed it too. Am I imagining all this? ANNIE No, you are not imagining anything. I did feel strongly attracted to you last night, and I didn't understand what I was feeling either. So what do we do now? PAUL How about we take it one day at a time? (69) ANNIE Sounds good to me. Can we have our coffee now? Paul put his arm around Annie, and they went into the restaurant. They sat at a table in the far corner of the room. The waiter came and took their order. PAUL I hope you don't mind that I expressed my feelings for you so soon, Annie, but I have never had these feelings before, for anyone. ANNIE Nor have I. I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and though what we feel for each other is wonderful, it's strange that the two of us met less than twenty-four hours ago, and we both are feeling the same about each other. PAUL I know. I believe that God is directing our lives, and he has a purpose for us to be together. ANNIE You may be right, Paul. Ever since the hooded figure came, some very different thoughts have been coming in my head, and several things have happened to me, and somehow I think they are all connected. Maybe you could help me sort it all out. PAUL I'd be glad to. How about over dinner tonight? I'll pick you up at seven. They leave the restaurant. Paul takes Annie home, walks her to the door, takes her keys and opens the door for her. As he hands her the keys, he kisses her lightly on the cheek. PAUL I had a wonderful time. Have to be at the hospital at 3:00, so I'll see you at seven. Bye. EXT. DULLES AIRFORCE BASE MORNING TUESDAY U.S. Ray arrives at Dulles where an official car is waiting to take him to the Federal Building in D.C. When they arrive, he is taken to the Security Office. continue on next page. click on link below |