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"The Year 2012" by Ivan & Dora Cain The annihilation of the human race, not by earthquakes, wars, famine or disease, but by the transformation from flesh to spirit. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. The Year 2012, the first of four volumes dramatizes the last 1,260 days of human existence through the step-by-step fulfillment of the prophecy of the coming of Christ. READER'S REVIEWS This book is definitely a must read for anyone and everyone who questions what the end times will be like. The story is riveting and well written, easily rivaling the "LEFT BEHIND" series. Are you prepared? Bob B. (reader) What a timely book! I am familiar with Biblical end-time articles. Your book follows the scenario well with an interesting and compelling plot. Due to recent events, I encourage everyone to read your exciting book. No one should miss this powerful work of great importance for today's times! Evelyn Horan. (author) Wow! Where has this book been? I can't wait to read more. The concept is awesome; the writing superb. I was hooked from the first moment. Jake (author) I have often pondered the scenario: If Jesus came back, would we know it was He? I am intrigued with your plotline¦and [it] is well written, which makes me want to read more. Lynn Barry (author) Fantastic! The words flow and draw the reader in. Jen Doke (author) I found The Year 2012 to be very interesting and inspiring. The way the scriptures were explained helped me to understand them in a way I never did before. It is good reading throughout. The end made me sad, because I realize that this actually could happen! This is and incredible story and everyone should read it. Judith Pullia (reader) I have recently read this completely captivating book. It was impossible to put down and walk away. It would call [me] back. The characters and storyline keep you wondering what will happen next. This is not your typical book; it grabs and keeps your interest to the point that it stays with you when you're done. It leaves you wanting more! I can't wait for the follow up! My advice read it! Donna Edwards. (reader) |
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"we have provided chapter one for your reading" 'CHAPTER ONE' Today in the year 2012, brings to a close the freedom that we have had for the last twenty years. Today the top ten leaders of the world will cast their vote for the one man that will become the "SUPREME PRESIDENT" of the world. Today will establish the "ONE WORLD ORDER" known as, THE GLOBAL VILLAGE." What has been taking place this last week stems from the events that started back in the year 1992. It was then, that the destruction of the Democratic and Republican Parties, and the morality of the United States began. The 1992 election in the United States ushered in the Wilston and Shea Administration into the White House. These two men were the founders of The Global Village concept. It began with Global Economy, Global Trade, Global Environment, and grew into "IT TAKES A VILLAGE." It was not long in coming. The twenty first century entered in with a very large handicap, the "LACK OF COMMON SENSE." Man no longer has to think for himself. The government has provided all that man will need through social programs. We live in a puppet generation of arrogant leaders. All throughout the nineties, Larry and Vivian Wilston used the bully pulpit to convince the American people that they knew what was best for America. The people were too blind to see the massive destruction that would come out of the Wilston Administration. The programs that they had put in place are now the laws and the standards we are now governed by. The Wilstons are not the only ones to blame. Congress looked the other way when the scandals and corruption of both the president and the first lady came out. Even when the president was impeached, the law makers laid mute during the trial. They did nothing about any of the countless reports of wrong doings of the president, and on many topics, the Democrats said, “it was no big deal.” America, just like all other countries had fallen into the new way of life "GLOBALIZATION." ****** "Good morning. This is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple courtyard in Jerusalem. This is The Global City News. There seems to be strange things happening here. The sun is getting darker! No, it is not going behind a cloud, it is just getting darker. Speaking of clouds, it appears that a mass of clouds is coming down out of the sky. They are just slowly descending down on the Temple. It is very quiet. There is no wind, nothing is moving. Just dead silence. People are swarming all around the Temple like bees to a hive. Wait, the clouds have stopped descending, and there on the clouds you can see a figure. I can not make it out. The figure is dressed in a long white robe. The people are going wild, bowing and chanting, Jesus, Jesus, God has come! The people keep coming from all over, pushing and shoving into the crowded courtyard. It is nine o'clock in the morning, but it looks more like five o'clock in the evening. I can hear sirens off in the distance. It must be the Israeli police. Yes, it is the police. They are surrounding the Temple. What is going on here? Could it really be the coming of Christ? The end of the world? Let me speak to some of the people here." "Sir, what do you make of all this?" asked Elbib. The man said, "praise the Lord, it's the rapture! Jesus has come for his elect!" "Ma'am, what do you make of all this?" asked Elbib. She said, "the end has come! Christ has returned!" "Well folks it would appear as though the people here believe that the hooded figure on the cloud is Jesus Christ, who has come to rapture His church. The people keep chanting over and over, Jesus has come. This is a sight to see. People all over the courtyard are on their knees praying, chanting, and crying. I don't know what to make of it. Wait, the figure is standing at the top of the stairs. He is raising his hands up to the sky. The sun is getting much brighter now and the darkness is gone and there is a gentle breeze blowing. Whoever this is, it seems as though he has power over the sun and the wind. The figure is lowering his hands. He is going into the Temple. I am getting reports from all over the world that there is chaos, confusion, and fear spreading throughout the land as word spreads that Jesus has come. Airports all over are jammed with people trying to get to Jerusalem. It seems that millions of people have just up and left whatever they were doing . It's crazy! The Global City News is setting up video cameras in the courtyard so we can get live coverage as it happens. Stay tuned to The Global City News. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time." ****** The sound of the phone startled Anne Marie. She had been so taken up with the broadcast that she didn't realize that the phone had been ringing. As she picked up the receiver, she heard the excited voice of her friend Julie. "Annie have you heard that Jesus has come? I can't talk long, I have to get ready to go." "Whoa! said Anne Marie “Where are you going? "I am going to Jerusalem. Aren't you going too?" "I don't know," said Anne Marie. "I haven't given it any thought. How can you be so sure you're doing the right thing by going?" "I know! I just know! Besides my parents used to talk about Jesus and the rapture of the church all the time. I always thought it was nothing more than religious hooey, but now I'm not so sure." "Well Julie, said Anne Marie, I saw with my own eyes, that cloud descending out of the sky and the figure on the cloud, but I'm not sure it was Jesus." "Well, I'm still going. I will call you before I leave. Think about going. We could go together, okay? I've got to go. Bye!" Anne Marie was not one to be a religious person. She knew right from wrong and did what she felt was right, and right now something was telling her to be careful. She thought as she hung up the phone, I will call my friend John and see what he says. She dialed his number and waited for him to answer. It rang three times before she heard the recorded message. "THIS IS JOHN, I AM NOT HERE, I HAVE GONE TO SEE, JESUS APPEAR. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE TONE, FOR I WILL NOT BE COMING HOME." Anne Marie hung up the phone feeling a little amused that John was always making everything rhyme when he spoke. Maybe Sue would be home. She was a very religious person thought Anne Marie, so she dialed Sue's number and soon heard the message, "PRAISE THE LORD, I HAVE GONE TO BE WITH JESUS." Anne Marie didn't wait to hear any more of the message. As she hung up the phone she wondered why she hadn't got all fired up like everyone else. People all over the world were up and leaving everything. Why was I not like them? She turned on the television to see if there were any new developments, then sat down on the couch. About ten minutes later... ******* "Good morning. This is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple courtyard in Jerusalem. This is The Global city News. Everyone I have talked to has his or her own belief about today's big event. Some believe that this is the end of the world. Some believe it is the second coming of Christ. Others believe this is the rapture, or that this is the judgment day of the Lord. And there are even some who think it may be aliens from outer space. I am getting word now that the top ten leaders of the world have been summoned to the Temple. Wait, I can see cars coming into the courtyard. It must be the top ten leaders. They are parking their cars close to the stairs of the Temple. Yes, it is the top ten leaders of the world. They have all gone into the Temple. In the background you can still hear the people in a low chant saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. On and on. Over and over. It is quite a sight to see. We have not heard a word about the top ten leaders vote on who will be the Supreme President of the world. I can see a platform has been added to the courtyard that was not here earlier this morning. They have set up several microphones there. The top ten leaders are coming out of the Temple and the figure in the hooded robe is with them. They are heading for the platform. You can now see very clearly the figure wearing the hooded robe is that of a man. The people are all standing now. You can hear a mixture of cheers and chants. There he is, the hooded figure raising his hands towards the sky and he speaks. "MY PEOPLE, MY PEOPLE." There was a sudden quietness that came over the crowd of people as he spoke with a soft but vibrant voice. Lowering his hands he continued, "MY PEOPLE, I HAVE COME TO GIVE REST. I HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AS YOUR SUPREME PRESIDENT. I HAVE COME TO OFFER LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY. I HAVE COME TO LIFT YOUR BURDENS. I WILL WIPE YOUR SLATE CLEAN. YOU CAN START A NEW LIFE IN THE GLOBAL VILLAGE. COME UNTO ME AND I WILL GIVE REST. WE MUST ALL WORK TOGETHER AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS. WE MUST ALL WORK TOGETHER FOR THE VILLAGE. COME UNTO ME, I AM YOUR REDEEMER. COME UNTO ME, I AM YOUR GOD." He stopped speaking, turned and went into the Temple. The top ten leaders trailed behind him. "Well, that is what we all have been waiting for," said Elbib. "Who would have ever thought that the Supreme President would be one that claimed to be God? You heard it! You decide for yourselves. This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time." ****** Anne Marie wondered why she didn't have the desire to go to Jerusalem like everyone else. Her inner self told her not to believe what she heard or even seen on the news, and then her mind gave way to the all too familiar sound of that inner voice as she heard, "THEN IF ANY MAN SHALL SAY UNTO YOU, LO, HERE IS CHRIST, OR THERE, BELIEVE IT NOT." What does it all mean? The sound of ringing once again brought her out of her thoughts. She reached for the phone and picked it up, but all she heard was a dial tone. She placed the receiver back on the phone and the ringing sounded again. She went to the door and looked through the peephole, but saw nothing. She turned to go back into the kitchen when the bell rang again. She turned and opened the door and there stood a child. "Well hello!" said Anne Marie. "Hello" said Ally. "My name is Allison, but everyone calls me Ally." "Hello Ally, my name is Anne Marie. What can I do for you?" "This is a note for my daddy. My mommy always leaves him notes. She reads them to me, but today my mommy is not home. Could you read this note to me please?" Anne Marie took the note and opened it and there on the paper were the words, LEONARD HAVE GONE TO BE WITH JESUS. PLEASE TELL ALLY I LOVE HER, AND I LOVE YOU TOO. BYE, JENNY." Anne Marie thought to herself, I can not just blurt out that her mommy had left her and her daddy to go to be with Jesus. What is this craziness that is making people leave their loved ones? Not wanting to reveal what the note said, Annie Marie asked, "has your father ever read his notes to you?" "Oh yes, lots of times," replied Ally. "I think it would be better if your daddy read this note to you, okay?" "Okay" said Ally, taking the note and turning to go.. "Wait a minute Ally, where are you going?" "I am going home. I live across the street. I will wait for my mommy and daddy to come home." "How would you like to stay with me until your daddy gets home?" "Okay," said Ally. Anne Marie wrote a brief note. "MY NAME IS ANNE MARIE. I LIVE ACROSS THE STREET AT 1347. NO ONE WAS HOME WHEN ALLY GOT HOME FROM SCHOOL, SO I INVITED HER TO STAY WITH ME UNTIL YOU COME TO PICK HER UP." Ally and Anne Marie went across the street and put the note on the door and returned to Anne Marie's house. Anne Marie was still quite confused by all that had happened and now she had a little girl to contend with. She found the child a pleasant distraction from the news. The thought of a woman leaving her child and husband to go to be with Jesus was just not setting right in her mind. Once again she heard that inner voice saying, "THEN IF ANY MAN SHALL SAY UNTO YOU, LO, HERE IS CHRIST, OR THERE, BELIEVE IT NOT." She felt the tugging of a small hand on hers. "Yes Ally, what is it?" she asked. "I'm hungry," Ally replied. "Would you like some cookies and milk?" Ally just nodded her head and they both went into the kitchen. Still the news bulletins were constant. People all over the world were concerned with getting to Jerusalem while Anne Marie was concerned with a small child waiting for her daddy to come home to tell her that her mommy had left and won't be back. What a strange morning this has been, she thought. ****** Jenny's husband Leonard knew the minute he heard the news broadcast that Jenny would be gone. She was all wrapped up in a neat Christian package just waiting for Jesus to rapture the church. They both had argued in the past about the Bible. She had seen it one way and he had seen it another, but right now his only concern was to find out what she had done with Ally. As he was driving home, all kinds of strange thoughts went through his mind. Here it is Friday morning and the weekend is such a busy time. What with people traveling under normal circumstances, if I went to the airport to look for her, I would probably not find her. The news reported there was such chaos and confusion. Was Ally left alone or did Jenny take her with her? Maybe I was wrong and Jenny did not go. Maybe they are both home waiting for me like always, but he was still afraid that Jenny might have gone to be with this Christ that was returning. Being overtaken by these thoughts, he was not aware of his driving. It was only after it was too late that he realized he could not stop before hitting the railroad crossing gates. The sound of cracking wood was the last sound that Leonard heard as he smashed through the gates, at the very same time that the train entered the crossing. The train hit the car broadside, taking it down the tracks. The engineer of the train had a look of surprise and shock on his face as he tried stopping the train. He had not seen anything on the tracks. The car was just there out of nowhere. By the time the train came to a stop there were people all around. The police, and fire department, and ambulance was on the way. The sounds of sirens could be heard off in the distance. The car had been rolled over and over by the train until it finally stopped. Leonard just laid there not knowing what had happened. He could hear people's voices, but could not make out what they were saying. Then he blacked out. The car was completely destroyed. They had to cut it into pieces to get him out. When they finally got to him he was alive, but unconscious. They rushed him to the nearest hospital. ****** Ally was eating her cookies and milk that Anne Marie had given her. Anne Marie sat there looking at this little girl, but not really seeing her. Her mind had once more begun to search for answers as to why. Not knowing why was the most frustrating question of all. She could not come to an understanding as to why she had no desire to go see this Christ as did the others. Was there something wrong with her? Was she lacking something These questions kept haunting her. She saw the response of the people on the news and from her friends. Julie was getting ready to go, John and Sue were already gone. She asked herself, why not me? Once again she heard the inner voice saying, "THEN IF ANY MAN SHALL SAY UNTO YOU, LO, HERE IS CHRIST, OR THERE, BELIEVE IT NOT." She could not figure out where that voice was coming from. She did not know what made her hear it, but she knew it was the same voice that told her when things were right and when things were wrong. She learned to listen to that voice in the past and she would probably listen to it now, even though she didn't understand what it was all about. She must have been deep in thought, for when she looked over at Ally, the child was asleep with her head on the table. The cookies were gone and the glass was empty. Anne Marie picked her up in her arms and carried her into the living room and placed her on the couch. As she looked at the child laying there so innocent, she thought what a shame that this little girl has to face such hard facts in her young life, and her emotions got the best of her. She began to get teary-eyed. She cuddled up in the big chair across from where Ally was sleeping and she too drifted off to sleep. ****** The ambulance came to a stop at the emergency room doors. They rushed Leonard into the emergency room. He was awake and in a lot of pain. The doctors checked him over thoroughly. He complained mostly that he could not feel his legs. It was as if they were not there. The doctors took care of his superficial wounds, then took him to x-ray. They were very concerned about the lack of feeling in his legs. Could he have injured his spine? If so, would it be permanent? After the x-rays, a policeman was asking him some questions about the accident. When the officer finished his report, he asked Leonard, "is there anyone you would like to notify?" Leonard said, "yes, would you please call my home? What with everything that is going on in Jerusalem, I'm afraid my wife has gone there, leaving our five year old home alone." He gave the officer his phone number, then closed his eyes and tried to rest while waiting for the doctor. It seemed like forever before the officer returned with a puzzled look on his face. "What is wrong officer?" asked Leonard. "I'm not sure. I called your home and there was a taped message. 'LEONARD, HAVE GONE TO BE WITH JESUS. PLEASE TELL ALLY I LOVE HER AND I LOVE YOU TOO. BYE, JENNY.' I called twice just to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. I have been hearing reports all day on my car radio about people just getting up and going to Jerusalem. It's like people are going crazy." "Yes I know. Officer, would you go to my home and see if my little girl is there alone?" asked Leonard. He gave the address to the officer and thanked him. "Sir, you know if we find her alone, we will have to take her to a Federal Care Center? It's the law. I don't make them, I only enforce them." "Yes, I know, but at least I'll know that she is safe." He had fought against it when the "CHILD SAFETY ACT" was proposed in congress. He had formed lobbyist groups in Washington to defeat the bill, but lost. Leonard's main opposition to the bill was the Federal Government's interference in the family unit. It was just a closer step towards the "ONE WORLD ORDER" that had started in the nineties. The officer left and soon afterwards the doctor came to explain the x-rays to Leonard. The doctor said, "well Leonard, I have some good news for you and I have some not so good news. First, your x-rays show no signs of serious injuries. The not so good news is, we don't know why you do not have feeling in your legs. We are going to admit you into the hospital and run some tests and see if we can find the problem. We will get you something for your pain and get you into a nice comfortable bed where you can get some much needed rest and sleep." The nurse gave Leonard a shot for his pain and within minutes he had gone to sleep. ****** Anne Marie was awakened by the ringing of the door bell. She went to the door and looked through the peephole and there were two police officers standing there. She thought, Ally's father must be a policeman and had found the note and was here to pick her up. She opened the door and said, "yes?" The younger of the two officers asked, "are you Anne Marie?" "Yes I am," said Anne Marie. The officer continued," ma'am, a man named Leonard Jenk was in a car accident and asked us to come and see if his daughter was home alone. When we got there we found the note you had written, so we have come for his daughter. The law says we have to take her to the Care Center." Taking them into the living room, she pointed to the couch. There was Ally still fast asleep, unaware of the things she must face when she wakes up. Anne Marie said, "she has been here since she came home from school. She rang my door bell and handed me a note, said her mother wasn't home, and asked if I would read her the note ." She handed the note to the officer. He opened it and read it and said, "the same message is on their phone." Anne Marie inquired about Ally's father. "Is Mr. Jenk hurt badly?" "We don't know, said the officer. His car collided with a train and he has no feeling in his legs. The doctor was waiting for the results of the x-rays when we left the hospital." "Oh my, I hope he's going to be alright!" The officer looked over at Ally sleeping on the couch and said, "it's a shame to wake her. She looks so peaceful." "Isn't there any way we can keep from taking her to the Care Center?" asked Anne Marie. "Well ma'am, said the officer, if we find any child alone, we are supposed to take them in." "But Ally is not alone. She is with me. Doesn't that count for something?" "Yes ma'am. If you want to take care of her until her father can make other arrangements for her, that would be most kind of you. And after all, she isn't alone, is she?" replied the officer. Looking again at Ally on the couch the officer said "I don't have the heart to wake her." Anne Marie assured them that she would take very good care of Ally. "Very well then," the officer said as they turned to leave. "Oh wait! What hospital is he in?" asked Anne Marie. The County on Sixty Third Street," replied the younger officer. "Thank you," said Anne Marie and closed the door. With her hand still on the door knob she thought about what she should do now. Should I call the hospital now or wait until morning? Ally was waking up . She sat up and rubbed her eyes then asked, if she could go home." My mommy and daddy will be home and will be worried about me." What should I tell her, thought Anne Marie. I can't just blurt out that her mother is not coming home and her father is in the hospital. She decided to show Ally that no one was home at her house. She took Ally to the front window, turned back the drapes and said, "see Ally, there are no lights on at your house. There is no one home yet." "Oh my," said Ally, "there must be something wrong. They are always home when it gets dark out. Can I sit here and watch for them to come home?" "Of course you can," said Anne Marie. She felt it was not her place to tell this little girl that her mommy would not be coming home. She knew she had no choice but to call the hospital and ask if she could talk with Mr. Jenk. ****** In the meantime, Leonard had been taken to a hospital room. He was now awake and talking to the nurse who was getting him all set up. "Have there been any messages from the police officers?" asked Leonard. "No, not yet, but if there are any, I will let you know, she replied. I see in your chart that you will be going for some tests early in the morning, so try and get a good nights sleep. I will check in on you a little later. If you need anything, just push the nurses button." As she left the room, she closed the door a little. Leonard sat back in his bed thinking about Jenny and Ally, and he began to pray. "THANK YOU FATHER FOR THIS DAY, NO MATTER WHAT IT BRINGS. AND THANK YOU FATHER FOR THE STRENGTH TO ENDURE THIS DAY. IN JESUS NAME I PRAY. AMEN." Before long he had drifted off to sleep. ****** Anne Marie picked up the phone and dialed information, to get the number of the hospital. A voice said, "information, may I help you?" Anne Marie quickly replied, "County Hospital on Sixty Third Street, please." She wrote the number down and thanked the lady for her help .She dialed the number and waited as it rang several times. Finally a voice answered, "County Hospital." "Yes, said Anne Marie, I am trying to contact a Mr. Jenk. I believe he was admitted today. May I have his room and phone number please?" "One moment," was the reply on the other end. Then silence. No music or anything. Then the voice was there again, "room 202, phone number 876-9002" then the line went dead. Now that Anne Marie had the number, she was getting a little nervous. She went back into the living room and saw that Ally was still there at the window waiting and watching for her parents. Anne Marie went back to the phone and dialed the number she had been given. It rang and rang. She was about to give up when she heard a voice say, "hello?" ****** Leonard was awakened by the ringing of the phone. He did not know how long it had been ringing or who would be calling, for no one knew he was there. Then he heard a nervous voice of a woman saying, "Mr. Jenk?" "Yes, this is Mr. Jenk. Who are you?" he asked. "Sir,my name is Anne Marie, I live across the street from your house. The reason I’m calling is that I have your little girl here with me and she is just fine." Anne Marie paused for a reply, but all she heard was a sigh of relief,and a voice whisper, "thank you God." "Are you okay Mr. Jenk?" "Yes, I am okay. I have been so worried about Ally. Thank you so much for taking care of her. I asked the officers to see if she was home alone, but I haven’t heard from them yet, so thank you again." "You’re welcome, she is no problem." "How did Ally come by you ma’am?" "Well, after Ally came home from school and found no one home she came to my house. She had a note in her hand and asked me to read it to her. I read the note first to myself, then told her that you should read it to her. I gave her some cookies and milk, then she took a nap. I left a note on your door so you would know where she was and you could come and get her, but instead of you, there were two police officers wanting to take her to the Care Center." "How come they did not take her? The law states that if they find a child alone they have to take them to a Care Center." "I know, but I told them she was not alone, that she was with me. They were very understanding of Ally’s situation." Without thinking Anne Marie said, "Ally has enough to contend with having to face the fact that her mother has run off and left her. Oh I’m sorry Mr. Jenk, I don’t mean to be judgmental. It just breaks my heart when I hear about parents leaving their children." "That’s alright ma’am, I was afraid that Jenny might do this when she heard the news this morning. You do not need to apologize." "Well anyway," said Anne Marie, "if you would like me to take care of Ally until you can decide what to do, I would be happy to do so. She is a great kid!" "I am so delighted that Ally found someone who cares. It is very hard to find kind and caring people any more. I’d be ever so grateful if you would care for her. Ma’am have you told Ally about her mother?" "No sir, I believe she should be told by you." "Yes I agree. May I speak with her please?" "Sure, hold on." "Ally your daddy is on the phone and wants to talk to you." At the sound of Anne Marie’s voice, Ally came running down the hall calling, "daddy, daddy!" Anne Marie gave her the phone and in a small tiny voice she said, "hello daddy, where are you?" "Hello Ally! Well honey, I was in an accident on the way home and now I am in the hospital. I am going to be okay, but I won’t be able to come home for awhile." "Is mommy with you in the hospital?" "No Ally, she has gone away for awhile. I will explain later when I see you, but for now I would like you to stay with this nice lady until I come home, okay?" "Okay daddy, I love you, bye." Ally handed the phone to Anne Marie and said, "my daddy said I should stay here with you until he can come home." Anne Marie spoke into the phone, "hello, are you still there?" Then she heard Leonard’s voice. "Hello, hello, are you there?" "Yes, she said, I am here." "I want to thank you again for caring for Ally. It really makes things a lot better for me now, knowing she is with somebody who really cares, instead of in the Care Center." "That’s alright sir, I am glad to be of help. Would you like me to bring her in to see you?" "Oh yes, that would just make my day. Now ma’am you go over to my house and you will find a key under the door mat. Go in and get what ever you need for Ally, okay?" "All right Mr. Jenk. I had better go now so I can tend to Ally, and let you get some rest." They both said their good-bye’s. ****** "Good evening. This is Elbib Ehtdrow reporting from the Temple courtyard. This is The Global City News. There seems to be a great deal of movement among the soldiers and the people. It appears as though they are making a pathway of some sort. The soldiers are having to use force with some of the people. The crowd has become more subdued now. I can see at the top of the stairs, the top ten leaders surrounded by armed soldiers. They are being escorted to their waiting vehicles outside of the courtyard, which will return them to the Palace. Ever since the descending cloud and the hooded figure arrived here early this morning, Jerusalem has been flooded with people. Airports all over the world are overcrowded. The Israeli government has closed off it’s borders. No one is allowed in or out. The courtyard is very full. The soldiers have allowed only so many people in, so as to maintain a certain amount of moveable space. You can leave the courtyard if you want to, but they are not letting anymore people in, until the crowd has been diminished. There are two very old men sitting on the steps of the Temple. I don’t know where they came from. They were not there a minute ago. They are not joining in with the crowd that are chanting and praying, so I don’t know why they are there, but I will find out. We are all waiting anxiously for the hooded figure to come out and speak. Who is this mysterious man that has descended down on a cloud? Is he really the God that the people believe he is? This is Elbib Ehtdrow, until next time." ****** The two old men that were sitting on the Temple stairs, stood up and walked to the platform. They were hardly noticed, as the crowd of people were so involved with their praying and chanting. They asked the people for their attention and then they told the people that they were witnesses sent by God, to prophesy the prophecy of God. The crowd began shouting out "LIES, LIES.” Louder and louder. The two men raised their hands up towards heaven and said, "OH HEAVENLY FATHER SEND DOWN FIRE SO THE PEOPLE WILL KNOW THAT THOU HAS SENT US." As they spoke, it started to rain drops of fire. Not on the people, but only on the platform. The crowd sat in silent awe as they watched the fire rain down out of heaven. The two men spoke in unison, "Ye children of the Lord, hearken unto the prophecy of God." ‘IT IS WRITTEN: I WILL GIVE POWER UNTO MY TWO WITNESSES, AND THEY SHALL PROPHESY A THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THREESCORE DAYS.’ "Children of the Lord, again we repeat. We are those two witnesses sent by God." The crowd listened as the two men spoke, but their minds could not receive their words. They appeared to be in a kind of stupor. They began to laugh at the two old men. The witnesses spoke again. "Thou art a stiffneck and stubborn people. Behold:" There in the sky was a ball of fire falling down towards them. The people were so frightened, they could not move. The ball of fire drew closer to the earth and as it got closer it became smaller. Just before it was to fall on the crowd, the two witnesses held their hands out to the fire and it rested in their hands, then slowly went out. "Hearken unto the prophecy of God ye children of Jerusalem. God has sent us to be a witness unto him. The two old men turned and walked back to the stairs and sat down. ****** Leonard was fully awake now. He was so relieved to know that Ally was safe. Sure is funny how things happen, he thought. I have lived across the street from this woman for over five years and we had never met. He wondered if he would recognize her when he would get to meet her. Surely, he must have seen her a time or two in the past. He would soon find out, when she would bring Ally in for a visit. He could hardly wait. The nurse came in to see how Leonard was doing. "I am feeling much better," he told her. "Good," she said. "You are going to be having a lot of aches and pains for about a week, but they will ease up a little each day. You got banged around quite a bit in that car. You are an extremely lucky person." "Yes, I am," said Leonard. "I have a good feeling about you Mr. Jenk. You’re going to be just fine," she said. "You just need a lot of rest. "She fluffed up his pillows and said," call me if you need anything." Then she left the room. Leonard thanked her and thought what a nice person she was. Then his thoughts wandered back over the days events. All those poor souls that have gone to Jerusalem to be raptured away. They don’t even know that the hooded figure is not Christ, but Satan that they are worshipping. This is the time that is called "THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION," when Satan is to come and sit on the throne of God, in the Temple of God, as God. Satan knows he has only a short time here on earth to gather as many souls as he can. Leonard wondered why Jenny couldn’t see that this was to take place first. He would get so frustrated over this when he couldn’t make Jenny see that she was wrong, believing in the rapture. He was tired, so he closed his eyes and soon went to sleep. ****** Anne Marie and Ally went across the street to Mr. Jenk’s house. She found the key under the door mat and they went in and turned on the lights. She saw a very well kept home. Ally took her up to her room. She got a bag she used to carry her toys and filled it with some toys, coloring books and crayons, and a doll, while Anne Marie gathered some clothes for Ally. They started to leave the house when Ally turned and said, "wait, I have to get my Bible story book." She ran back upstairs to her room for it. Anne Marie glanced around the living room. There on the table was a large black Bible that she could see that it had been well read by the worn edges of the pages. She never was one to read the Bible, but now she wished she had. Ally came into the room and saw Anne Marie staring at the Bible and said, "that’s my daddy’s Bible. You can read it if you want to." "Perhaps later, let’s go home." said Anne Marie. Ally held on to Anne Marie’s hand as they crossed the street and Anne Marie thought that Ally seemed so different from other children she had known. She was very polite and well mannered. More so than the average child. These qualities were hard to find in children these days. There had been such a breakdown in the families of this generation. Both parents working. Children coming home to an empty house after school, having no loved ones to greet them, and having to fend for themselves. There is very little discipline. Most children see themselves to be more mature than they really are, and why not? They are living adult lives. And to make matters worse, there is too much interference from the government. They had reached Anne Marie’s house and went inside and Anne Marie took Ally upstairs to a bedroom and said, "this will be your room while you stay here with me, so you can put your toys any place you like," and she put Ally’s clothes away. "Okay," said Ally. "Are you getting hungry?" "Yes, a little," answered Ally. "Good, lets go to the kitchen and fix something." "Okay," said Ally. Ally wasn’t much help when asked what she wanted to eat, because she said, "okay" to everything. So Anne Marie decided to heat up some leftovers from the fridge. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas, and apple pie for dessert. Ally sat at the table and did some coloring in her book while Anne Marie heated everything up. Dinner was ready in just a short time. Anne Marie was about to begin to eat, when Ally asked if she could say grace. "Of course," said Anne Marie, feeling a little awkward. "Dear heavenly Father, we pray thanks for the food we are about to eat. Amen. That’s all I know to say," said Ally. "Well, that was very nice," said Anne Marie, and then she waited for Ally to begin eating, then she joined in. They were nearly done when the phone rang. Anne Marie excused herself from the table to answer the phone. It was her friend Julie. "Are you ready to go to Jerusalem now?" asked Anne Marie. "Yes, I am, but I can’t get a flight out. Every airline is booked solid. The airports are all jammed with people trying to get to Jerusalem. I would really like to come over and talk, if that’s alright with you?" "Sure, come on over." "Thanks Annie, I’ll be there in about an hour. Okay?" "Okay, bye." Ally must have been hungry, as she ate everything. She thanked Anne Marie and said, "that was real good." "Thank you Ally. Would you like to keep me company while I clean things up?" "Okay." They got to know each other a little and Ally seemed a bit more relaxed. They talked and sometimes giggled about some silly thing and before long the kitchen was all cleaned up. As they went into the living room, Anne Marie explained to Ally that her friend was coming over to visit. "You will like her Ally. She is a very nice person." After a while, the door bell rang and Anne Marie said, "I’ll bet that’s my friend now." She opened the door and she and Julie hugged, and then Anne Marie introduced her to Ally. Why don’t you two get acquainted while I go and get us something to drink?” "Sounds good to me. How about you Ally?" asked Julie. "Okay," said Ally. "And where did you come from?" asked Julie. "I live across the street. My mommy had to go some where and my daddy is in the hospital. He was in an accident." "Oh, I’m sorry to hear that." "I talked to him on the phone and he said he was okay, and wants me to stay here with Anne Marie." "How old are you Ally?" "I am five years old and I go to kindergarten too!" Julie just smiled and said, "well you are a delightful child. I’ll bet you and my friend Annie are having a great time." "You mean, Anne Marie," said Ally. "Yes, but I call her Annie. I always have." Ally thought for a moment then said, "do you think she would mind if I just called her Annie too?" "Why don’t we ask her?" "Ask me what," said Anne Marie, as she entered the room with a tray of coffee and juice. "Well, me and Ally were discussing your name and Ally wants to know if she can call you just, ‘Annie,’ like I do?" Ally joined in and said, "is it okay if we both call you Annie?" "It sure is okay. Lets make it official over a cup of coffee and a glass of juice." Ally was excited and was clapping her hands. They all toasted to the name "Annie," and just had a lot of fun with it. After awhile Annie said, "isn’t it about time for you to get ready for bed, Ally?" Ally smiled and said, "okay Annie." Annie got Ally into the tub and while she was bathing, Annie got her bed ready. Julie asked Annie what was going on with Ally and her parents? In a low voice, Annie explained everything to her friend. "That poor child," said Julie. Then Ally called from the bathroom and said, "I’m all done with my bath, Annie." "I’m coming," said Annie, and she excused herself to Julie. "I’ll be back shortly, why don’t you see what’s on the news?" She got a big towel and wrapped Ally up in it and dried her off, then she helped her into her nightgown. Ally asked Annie if she would read her a story. "Okay," said Annie, "go get your book." Ally ran to the living room and said goodnight to Julie, then was back in a flash, and said, “I will say my prayers first and then you can read me a story. She closed her eyes and put her hands together and said her prayers, then blessed everyone. "I’m ready for a story now," Ally handed her Bible Story Book to Annie. "What story would you like to hear?" asked Annie. "It doesn’t matter," said Ally. They are all good stories." "Okay ," said Annie, and she began with the first story in the book. It wasn’t very long before Ally fell asleep. Annie turned out the light and turned to leave the room, when she saw Julie standing in the doorway. "How long have you been standing there?" asked Annie. "Just a few minutes. I have been watching you all night with Ally. You should have a child of your own, you would make a terrific mother." Annie just smiled as they returned to the living room. "I really am enjoying having Ally with me. She is a wonderful child, but lets talk about you! I’m sorry for all the interruptions, what’s going on with you?" "Well," said Julie, "I am so frustrated with the whole situation. I have been trying all day to make arrangements to get to Jerusalem . I truly believe that Christ has come and I guess hundreds believe it too. All the airlines have temporarily shut down. They say,there is nothing but chaos and confusion from the unexpected onrush of people that are trying to get to Jerusalem, and that it was going to take all day to clear the airport. Perhaps even days. They can’t even say when they will be able to take any reservations in the future." Julie was feeling sorry for herself. She had been an only child with parents that were well off and they spoiled her in every way. After her parents died she inherited everything, so she was able to remain in the lifestyle she was accustomed to. There were times when she couldn’t have something she wanted and all the money in the world couldn’t buy it and Julie would get so upset. That’s when she would call Annie and cry on her shoulder and Annie seemed to have that special way of listening and saying the right things and Julie would come to realize that Annie was right and she would calm down. Sometimes after one of these episodes Annie would say, "I know what will take your mind off this problem, lets do lunch and go shopping." And they would! Worked every time! So Annie suggested it again. "Lets all go to lunch tomorrow. I am taking Ally to see her father in the County Hospital, so we can meet in the hospital coffee shop at noon." "Sounds good to me. I’m going home now and going straight to bed. It’s been a long hectic day. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon." "Right," said Annie. They hugged and Julie left. Annie fixed herself a cup of coffee and sat back in the chair and was thinking over the days events. It really had been a hectic day. Here was a little girl sleeping upstairs in the spare bedroom where Julie had stayed on many occasions in the past. She wondered how tomorrow would be. She finished her coffee, then went upstairs, checked on Ally, then went to bed. PURCHASING INFORMATION" TO PURCHASE A SIGNED COPY PLEASE EMAIL US FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS AT OR ORDER FROM ANY ONLINE OR BOOK STORE BY ISBN#1-58851-717-9 TO READ THE YEAR 2012 SCREENPLAY, CLICK ON LINK BELOW. |